Today I have an amazing story for you about how a special raw food detox diet and coffee enemas healed Susan Erlich of her debilitating illness.
Many people think that using a coffee enema to detox your liver is a weird thing to do and a waste of good coffee. Others who have tried them and got their health back swear by them. Susan, like myself, is one of those. I’ll let her tell you her remarkable story.
Off the Couch and Into the Kitchen! A Coffee Enema Healing Journey
Although I’m not a doctor, I do know when my body heals and the cause of its healing. My story is a lot like others who know their body has become toxic, by not feeling well or coming down with an unexplained illness.
My story starts with inhaling toxic fumes from an outgassing sofa. A new sofa, and the heat activated the plastic wrapped sofa, which was laden with chemicals. Immediately I felt difficulty breathing and pain in my liver. Then the chemicals surged down my spine and into my nervous system and I began to shake. A long story short, I was bed-ridden for months and doctors told me they thought I had Multiple Sclerosis. I knew that wasn’t what I had.
A friend told me about coffee enemas and Gerson Therapy. I began the program at home. I dedicated all my time and energy to 1 coffee enema per day and juicing 4 times a day, as well as eating raw vegetables and fruits. After 5 days I was 80% better. After 2 weeks 100% well. And after 4 weeks, my body was like a youthful 15 year old, with so much energy I passed everyone up on a hike in the Grand Canyon! Not bad for someone who could not walk or touch anything due to painful neurological inflammation from the chemicals.
The coffee enemas detoxed my liver and blood and nerves! How super. The nutrients helped rebuild cells and tissue and organs damaged by the chemicals. How super! A perfect marriage of detox cleansing and nutrients, which is vital to getting well. Many people think they can cheat and do only the coffee enema, without changing their diet. That is not recommended at all. In fact you could do more harm. Gerson Therapy is the best I feel.
Chemicals get into your system through the air, water, and food, as well as direct contact to the skin from crèmes, hair dye, shampoos, etc. Many people are now suffering from chemical allergies. I prefer using a glass enema bucket because I do not like plastic anything. You can get them at
Chemicals in the system can cause skin reactions, acne, nerve problems, headaches, mood swings, depression, back pain, arthritis, cancer, and everything else. Dr. Max Gerson says all illness is caused by a toxic liver and colon and lack of nutrients. I totally agree. The Gerson Therapy requires a commitment to yourself. You have to take the time to prepare what is necessary. And fight off the urge to eat junk foods.
Helpful Hints in Doing a Coffee Enema Without Trouble
Before doing a coffee enema, I do a water enema to clear my colon of any and all poop from my colon. This way, when I do the coffee enema, I can hold it in. If my colon is full of poop, then the coffee just wants to come right out and I cannot hold it the needed 15 minutes.
Sometimes I will put a ½ teaspoon or 1 tsp of Potassium 3 into my enema bucket with the coffee. The potassium calms the colon, and reduces any spasms that can occur when doing the coffee enema. I find myself much more peaceful when adding potassium 3 compound. Purelife Enema Coffee is the cleanest coffee and most effective. They also sell the potassium needed.
Another option for holding the coffee enema in for 15 minutes would be to use an enema retention nozzle instead of the traditional 3” tip. It is designed differently to help hold the solution in.
Another trick is to have the coffee solution go in slowly, a little at a time. Take in as much as you can without feeling so full that you may not be able to hold it. So you open the clamp, let a little in, and close the clamp and let your body adjust to small amounts of coffee solution at a time. The higher you put the bucket the faster the flow. So you don’t want the bucket high up above you.
So what do you think of Susan’s story. It’s remarkable isn’t it? I was surprised at how quickly she recovered her health and energy. It took me 6 months of juicing and coffee enemas, based on the Less Intensive Gerson Therapy, to recover from chronic fatigue. If you are inspired to try some coffee enemas as part of your detox diet program here’s how.
Susan Erlich is the CEO of Purelife Health Equipment, LLC. She is also the designer of Purelife Enema Coffee and Purelife Enema Buckets. She has been a top ranked US athlete in the world of competitive table tennis. and was voted Athlete of the Year 1992 USDAA
She has been an animal activist and was the assistant to famed Broadway star and activist Gretchen Wyler. She currently resides in Long Beach, California where she studies mediation and yoga.
Thank you so much for all your information! I would like to know if there is a specific diet you must follow the day before and after performing the coffee enema, or just clean eating no processed foods (chicken soup, quinoa, rice, sweet potatoes, etc. ).
Thank you!
Hello Andrea,
Well the Gerson Therapy diet is plant food based and includes raw vegetable juices. After 6 – 12 weeks on the therapy people are allowed to add a little quark or low fat yogurt. The diet should not be taxing for the liver. One important point to remember is that you should have 3 vegetable juices for every coffee enema.
You can get an idea of a good liver diet here:
This may help too:
Good health,