This liver flush is aimed at getting the gallbladder to contract to empty the stored bile, sludge or gravel and “stones” that can form in it. It can also help cleanse the liver ducts of the “stones” that form there. Many people have cleared numerous small pellets or balls of cholesterol/bile from their livers even if they no longer have a gall bladder.
Controversy over the “stones”
There is a lot of controversy over these pellets or stones that are eliminated during the flush. Critics claim that the balls are not really gallstones but are soft complexes of mineral, olive oil and lemon juice produced within the digestive tract. People who understand chemistry say that this is not possible.
I know a medical doctor and a naturopathic doctor who have cleared stones from patients using this flush in cases where the stones had been confimed by Ultrasound before and shown to have been cleared afterwards. No doubt many people can testify to its effectiveness in clearing stones from the gallbladder and bile ducts.
Different Versions
There are a number of different versions of the Liver/Gallbladder flush and I personally find that Dr Hulda Clark’s version is the most palatable. They all revolve around drinking large quantities of fresh organic apple juice for 5 days prior to the flush. The tartaric acid in the apple juice softens any ‘stones’ that are in the gall bladder. If you are unable to tolerate apple juice then Phosphoric acid drops can be taken 3 times a day in some water.
On the day of the liver flush you eat a breakfast and very light lunch without any fat. Some versions recommend eating a bowl of mixed fruit topped with a large spoonful of cream to make the gallbladder contract for dinner but Dr Clark says not to eat after 2 pm or you might feel very nauseated in the night.
You then fast for the rest of the day and evening and take 2 doses of Epsom salts dissolved in water at set times. It tastes very bitter on its own so it is better to disguise the taste with some fruit juice or carrot juice. The magnesium in the Epsom salts relaxes the liver, gall bladder and liver ducts so the stones and cholesterol balls can easily slide out.
Before you go to bed you drink a half cup of olive oil with grapefruit juice. Some versions instruct you to drink the oil followed by the grapefruit juice. Hulda Clarke suggests that you blend the two together which many people find much more palatable.
The following morning you have 2 more doses of Epsom salts and watch for the “stones” or green or tan cholesterol/ bile balls to appear in the toilet. They can often be seen floating on the top of the water. You can use a large colander in the toilet bowl to catch all the stones if you want to see what you have expelled. Some practitioners like to follow the flush with a colonic to wash out the stones. Be prepared for a day or two of diarrhea or loose stools after this. This can be repeated at 6 week intervals until your liver and gall bladder are clear.
Critics say that it is a dangerous procedure if you have large stones because they can get stuck in the bile ducts, cause a lot of pain and a medical emergency. If you have large stones and are considering this liver flush it is best to be supervised by a doctor or naturopath who has experience treating patience with this flush.
This liver/gallbladder flush can give a lot of relief to symptoms caused by gall-bladder stones or a congested liver.
In your opinion, how large should each of the Epsom doses be? Teaspoon size?
Thank you!
Hi Jaime,
Dr Clark’s recipe calls for 4 tbs Epsom Salts in 3 cups water which makes 4 servings.