Guest Post
The medical establishment defines certain medical conditions and illnesses as “silent killers.” Medical illnesses such as high blood pressure, mesothelioma, osteoporosis, heart disease, obstructive sleep apnea, high cholesterol, diabetes and a number of different types of cancer like colon cancer, rectal cancer, breast cancer, and lung cancer are well known silent killers.
These medical diseases are called silent killers because early on in the medical disease there are commonly few if any symptoms to demonstrate that a problem exists. Then as the medical ailment advances, nevertheless, and as the problems start to surface, a medical catastrophe can happen.
Careless and Hazardous Drinking Is a Silent Killer
I assert that abusive and excessive drinking is also a silent killer. If truth be told, some people can drink for several years without going through any serious alcohol related issues in their lives. When hazardous and abusive drinking is repeated over time, it can be highlighted, destructive alcohol effects become more noticeable and more problematic. Probably the best example of what I am stating takes place in the transition from alcohol abuse to alcoholism.
Undoubtedly, quite a few alcohol induced issues can be cloaked and fairly easily hidden while a person involves herself or himself in excessive and hazardous drinking. When the person actually becomes a long-standing alcohol abuser or an alcohol addicted person, however, the adverse alcohol outcomes become very noticeable and more serious. Unfortunately, this info about alcoholism and alcohol abuse doesn’t seem to be discussed as much as it ought to be.
Areas in Life That are Adversely Affected by Abusive and Hazardous Drinking Over Time
What are a few of the areas in life that are negatively affected over time by repeated and continuous irresponsible and heavy drinking? When individuals first start to involve themselves in irresponsible drinking, they are normally unaware of what their alcohol abuse is doing to their mental health, to their health, to their relationships, to their finances, and to their jobs.
As the hazardous and heavy drinking continues, however, it regularly leads to relationship, communication, marital, friendship, and commitment issues and often leads to affairs and divorce. In a similar manner, many, if not most people who involve themselves in alcohol abuse in the long run experience alcohol induced health issues such as a loss of energy, alcohol poisoning, hangovers, and sleep disturbances. Other alcohol induced medical issues include the following: liver disease, sexual problems, nerve damage, vitamin deficiency, and stomach ulcers.
Moreover, many, if not most alcohol abusers in due course experience alcohol induced financial issues. Ironically, while numerous alcohol abusers bellyache about their financial difficulties, they routinely make their financial situation more problematic by spending more of their money on their drinking habit.
In a similar way, excessive and hazardous drinking generally leads to stress management, anger management, and time management problems. In addiction, many, if not most individuals who engage in alcohol abuse, due to their hazardous and abusive drinking, ultimately display work difficulties such as making mistakes on the job, showing up late for work, alcohol related accidents, poor performance evaluations, and absenteeism.
In addition, hazardous and excessive drinking in the long run leads to a variety of mental health problems such as anxiety, obsession, depression, denial, and extreme mood swings. And finally, it should come as no shock that heavy drinkers can get a “drunk while driving arrest” almost any day or night of the week due to their excessive and heavy drinking and driving.
The Bottom Line
The bottom line is this: people who engage in irresponsible and hazardous drinking need to learn how to drink in moderation and responsibly or get the alcohol detox and the alcohol therapy they require. This is significant for problem drinkers so that they can either drink responsibly or start to live an alcohol-free life and avoid the huge number of alcohol induced issues stated above. Obviously, obtaining high quality alcohol abuse help will be important along these lines.
It is also relevant for individuals who involve themselves in excessive drinking to either discover how to drink in moderation or quit drinking so that they can stay away from a life of alcohol dependency. In short, individuals who abuse alcohol need to refrain from hazardous and irresponsible drinking so that they can stay away from the alcohol induced silent killers that are linked to abusive and irresponsible drinking. Again, receiving high quality alcohol abuse rehab will clearly go a long way toward achieving this goal.
Yes, I completely agree with your information. If people takes overdose everything such as alcohol and drug, which is silently create serious problem for them. So use these things at limit for their healthy life. It was appreciable information, thanks for sharing it.
Excessive drinking could result to devastating effects such as accidents and illnesses. I completely agree to you, people should be responsible enough to control themselves when drinking and they should be able to know when to stop for their health and safety.