A parasite detox works to naturally cleanse your system of any parasites you may have lurking in your digestive system. With over 3000 known parasites it is hardly surprising that according to the Worlds Health Organization, 3.5 billion people will suffer from some type of parasitic infection. With other estimates putting the figure at 85% of the population you can understand why a parasite detox is important.
Where do parasites come from?
You can get parasites from food and water that has become contaminated with their eggs or larvae. Others are easily transferred from animals. Many parasites are microscopic so they are invisible to the naked eye and you will not be aware of them. Intestinal worms are larger and are more easily visible. Many people have been surprised to see worms being expelled when they do a parasite detox.
How do parasites cause harm?
Once parasites take up residence in your system they can steal the nutrients from your food, alter your natural pH levels creating an acidic environment in your body, and cause all sorts of symptoms. Some parasites cause harm by causing irritation and others release toxins into your body causing all sorts of symptoms such as chronic digestive problems, fatigue, food and chemical intolerance, unexplained joint and muscle pain, itching skin, difficulty gaining weight, loss of appetite, depression and many others.
Some parasites like Cryptosporidium and giardia lamblia cause severe diarrhea, gas and abdominal cramps and are usually easy to detect in a stool sample. If you are unlucky enough to suffer one of these infections then your doctor will probably prescribe an antiparasitic drug.
Often intestinal parasites burrow into the lining of the bowel, do not cause such obvious symptoms and are hard to diagnose. Common labs do not have the specialized facilities needed to detect them. Better results are obtained from specialized labs such as Genova Diagnostics or Metametrix who are world leaders in the field of parasite detection. Getting a negative result does not mean you do not have them. It simply means that they may not have been shed into the stool sample and that is why the labs often ask for more than one sample.
If you have chronic bowel problems for which no obvious reason has been found and nothing you have tried seems to work then it’s well worth trying a herbal parasite detox.
Natural parasites cleanses
Many people prefer to use natural substances in place of drugs because of the side effects drugs have. Some drugs that are used to treat parasite infections are antibiotics which will kill off good bacteria and cause an imbalance in the bowel for some time afterwards. Probiotics help prevent you being infected but will not eradicate parasites once infected with them.
Eradication of parasites takes longer with herbs but there are many herbs that have traditionally been used against them. Many effective supplements used in a parasite detox are based on a combination of Wormwood (Artemesia), the extract of the green hulls of black walnut and clove.
One of the main problems with the use of herbs for eliminating parasites is that they do not all kill the eggs and once the parasite detox is finished the eggs hatch out continuing the vicious cycle. For this reason herbal treatment for parasites is often repeated after a break of 4 – 6 weeks. The combination of wormwood, black walnut and clove kills all stages of the parasite.
Even better is Paratrex, a unique formulation, which in addition to wormwood, black walnut and cloves contains other wildcrafted (naturally growing in the wild and free of pesticides) herbs that have traditionally been used to eradicate parasites.
A parasite detox is best preceded with a colon cleanse as they are hard to eradicate with herbal treatment alone if they are embedded in the intestinal wall. Green Clay is a natural bowel cleanse remedy that can be used but must be combined with some sort of fiber such as flaxseed or psyllium husk powder to push it through the gut or it is inclined to be constipating. Bentonite is another clay that is often found in bowel or colon detox supplements together with a other intestinal herbs such as cascara and burdock.
Paratrex can be used in combination with Oxy-Powder a bowel cleanse with a difference that creates a healthy oxygenated environment which is highly unfavorable to parasites. It usually takes 2 bottles of Paratrex to eradicate parasites.
It is important to re- establish a colony of good bacteria in your bowel following the parasite detox by using a high potency, multistrain probiotic for at 2 -3 months. Make a point of cleansing your system at least once a year to prevent re-infection. It will provide you with an abundance of health benefits.
I had never even heard of parasites before moving to Mexico. The doctors just gives you the medication for parasites with no testing really and it’s pretty cheap.
after the 3rd time, I began thinking there might be more to this. I might need some serious cleansing…
I am planing a colon cleansing and then parasite cleanse. And convincing my husband to join. lol
It’s well worth doing! Some parasites are considered harmless but others cause symptoms that can’t be ignored and cause illness.