Here is a great article and advice from Karen Knowler the raw food coach. Even though you may not be a raw foodist you can still benefit from her amazing insights:
I’m kicking off the New Year with some life change assignments for you! Well, you know what a fan I am of upgrading your life as you upgrade your diet – to me the two absolutely go hand in hand. So if you’re ready for a better experience of life and living this year in many different dimensions then grab a pen and paper and prepare to complete the first 3 assignments on your
list of what will, before the month is out, become 10. Ready to freshen things up a little? Read on…
1) Clear Your Mind
The great thing about a new year is that it gives you the opportunity and space to decide to paint a different picture for yourself and your life. Everything is slightly slower than normal right now. Even though we’re five days in already, there’s most definitely still time to create your year anew.
So, what I’d like you to do is find a clean clear and comfy space, grab a pen and paper and give an uninterrupted and peaceful 30 minutes to yourself.
Begin by listing what you know for a fact you definitely want to bring into 2010. This can be your home, your family, your job, your car, an aspect of your personality – anything! Just make sure that each thing fills you with glee or as close to it as you can get!
Then, make a list of everything that you DON’T want to bring into 2010, things that you either want to dump, create anew or leave behind. These are things that when you think about them, you just feel your energy go down and your heart growing heavy. Next, split the last section up into the 3
different subsections and start thinking about what you need to do to take care of each of those things.
Depending on how long your list is, this may be a quick and easy job, just like pruning some deadwood from your garden, or it may feel like a very big job indeed. If it’s the former, lucky you – sounds like you are exactly where you need to be, and life can only get better and better in the next 12 months with so little “stuff” to deal with; if it’s the latter then fret not – the good news is
that the more “stuff” you clear, the more space you have to welcome in great new things to your life and even the odd miracle! Just set yourself realistic action lists for each of the issues that needs addressing and start taking action – today!
2) Indulge Your Vision
Now you know what you do and don’t want from your “old” life, it’s time to make a list of the things that you’d like to come into your life this year. Again, this can be anything – a new home, a new job, a new relationship, a new level of earnings, a new belief, habit or daily discipline – anything at all. Make your list as long and expansive as you feel drawn to doing. There are no limits here.
When you have your list, as above, have a think about what it would take to make those things come into your world. Then, depending on the scale of each thing, either take the necessary step to get it or break it down into baby steps that you chart in your diary as “to do” items so that you can be on the path to getting it, creating it or attracting it into your life before the year is out.
3) Freshen Up Your Diet
Now you know what aspects of your life need to stay, go and come in through the door, it’s time to gather the energy you need to take the necessary actions. It can be very hard to do this when physically you feel as if you’re only really ready for bed! So let’s start by taking a look at what you’re eating right now. From the communications I have with many of you I know that most of you are not eating the way that you’d ideally like to, so there’s bound to be some room for improvement!
Let’s keep things simple by creating some lists of what is and isn’t acceptable to you as we go into the second week of 2010. All you need to do is take a clean sheet of paper, ideally A4 size, and draw around the hand that you normally write with – this, you will note, is also likely the hand that feeds you! When you’ve done that write a list of all the drinks, foods or food groups WITHIN that hand shape that you are 100% happy about putting into your body over the coming weeks, months or even year. Do this until you’re happy and it feels right and hopefully your hand will be full of lots of goodies!
When you’re done, draw a circle around the hand that allows at least an inch of space to write some more words in. Then repeat, so that you have another ring, at least 1 inch apart from the first circle. In the first circle, the one nearest to your hand shape, write in the foods or food groups that you don’t ideally want to eat in your day-to-day life but are OK about eating if circumstances or other factors don’t make it easy for you to eat what you’d ideally like to eat. (For some of you this might include things like cooked rice or potatoes, while for others this might include white meat or dairy, and others still, it might even be dehydrated foods).
Finally, in the outside ring, list all the foods and drinks that under no conditions will you consume from this moment forward. Feels better? Clarity is a good thing. Now it’s there in front of you, now all you have to do is stick to your own rules! So pin this up somewhere that you’ll see it most of the day or fold it up and carry it around in your pocket or bag, and see how you get along for the next week or so. When you set your own rules it’s a lot more healthy and fun than following someone else’s idea of what’s good for you and you’re much less inclined to break them.
[If you’re ready to freshen up your diet, don’t miss out on this week’s FR*EE Raw Food Re- Set call!].
Next week, part 2 – so you’d better get your homework hat on and get busy on this week’s assignments so that you’re ready for them!
Have fun!
© 2010 Karen Knowler, The Raw Food Coach publishes “Successfully Raw” – a free weekly eZine for raw food lovers everywhere. If you’re ready to look good, feel great and create a raw life you love get your FREE tips, tools and recipes now at
These ten ways are helpful for us. We must be clear our mind so that and the visions.