Almost everyone likes to eat and drink but if your eating and drinking habits are slowly killing you isn’t it about time you changed them? It’s not too soon to start planning your detox diet goals for health in 2012.
Your body is a wonderful but incredibly complex piece of engineering that must be maintained so that it doesn’t break down in the middle of your life. Who wants to suffer with heart disease, arthritis, diabetes and cancer, the biggest killers of our times, if they can be avoided?
Genetically our bodies are designed to last for 100 years or more. With the right care your body can remain fully functioning that long. I think you will agree that there is no point in living to a ripe old age if you cannot enjoy it.
How many times have you made a New Year’s Resolution that this will be year you will get healthy ? Or perhaps you have you promised yourself that you will start a detox diet in January?
It’s easy to make a resolution but not so easy to keep it. The decision to take responsibility for your health is a big challenge and needs motivation, planning and, will power and a certain amount of discipline.
Setting your goals
Resolutions tend to be vague and are hard to put into practice. You are much more likely to succeed if you have definite goals. Without having a goal in mind, the final result is not as clear.
For example, you might say your resolution for next year is to lose weight but that is too vague. Much better would be to say that your goal for health is to lose 50 lbs in 6 months. Then you set smaller target goals to help you reach that main goal.
If you want to follow a detox diet you need to plan out some time when you will be able to start. Most goals are reached in steps so write down all the steps that you will need to take before you start it.
Create a clear vision
If you are thinking about what you will have to give up to lose weight or how hard it will be for you to follow that detox diet program then your are likely to fail before you start.
A much better way is to have a clear vision of how you want to look and how you want to feel. This method of visualizing is used by top people from all walks of life to create vivid pictures of themselves reaching their goals. When you have a clear vision and focus on what you want you will be able to achieve your goals much more easily.
As well as creating a vision in your mind you can create a vision board so you can remind yourself every day of how you want to look or what you want to achieve. A vision board is simply a collage of images that represent your dreams and desires. You can cut pictures or words out of magazines, use your own photos, draw or write them.
They can be easily created on special sites online for no cost. It is proven that the more you visualize and see yourself already achieving your goals and dreams, the faster they will happen.
Get support
Sticking to a detox diet plan needs some discipline and you will need to make some changes to the way you live. Let your family or friends know about your goal and keep them informed of your progress.
Having their support and encouragement can make a huge amount of difference to your success. Maybe you have a friend who has the same goal in mind and will agree to be your goal buddy.
Make an affirmation
You may not believe in affirmations or have ever done them before but it has been proven that if done correctly they can produce very positive results.
Sit down on your own and go through your reasons for wanting to follow a detox diet to improve your health. Pick out the things you want to change. Perhaps you want more energy, or to get rid of achy joints, or to stop binging on chocolate.
Project your mind forward two months from now and pretend the change has been made. See how you want to be in your mind’s eye. Really feel what it would be like for you. Describe that in one sentence. That is your affirmation.
Repeat the affirmation 10 times to imprint on your mind and feel the emotion that goes with it. Repeat the affirmation for 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes at night as well as 5 minutes during the day as often as you can. You will experience results.
You deserve to have vibrant health. So take control of your life and start planning your detox diet goals for 2012 right now. For more on this you might like to read my post from last year New Year Health Resolutions: Overhaul Your Health In 2011 and 5 Better Eating Tips For Your New Year Resolution.
As they say, good health begins in having cleaner intestines. I do believe that by sticking to a detox plan, better health awaits. It may not be as easy as it seems considering that almost everybody is “busy” today and would rather grab the nearest “pre-packaged” meal or go to the nearest fast food chain than prepare a healthier detoxifying meal. But then again, sticking to a detox plan could provide real lifetime health benefits for everyone.
It does require some motivation and advance planning but it can be done if you put your mind to it. The problem is that many people leave it until they are really sick. Prevention is a whole lot easier.
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You are right that sometimes if you think about the task ahead you will quit before you start (in your mind at least). I have found that if you only think of the things you want to achieve today and do that on a daily basis then you have a greater chance of success.
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