When you are following any sort of detoxification program it helps to brush the skin to improve the blood and lymph circulation. It removes dead skin cells, and helps with the excretion of toxins. Skin Detox by dry skin brushing is an old natural healing method that will help the other organs as well.
You should use a natural bristle brush with a long handle. Make sure the brush is not too hard or scratchy and dry brush your entire body once a day before you shower. It can be quite stimulating so don’t brush before bedtime as it could keep you awake.
Start brushing your skin gently if you have never done this before and gradually increase the pressure and number of strokes as you get used to it.
Begin by brushing the soles of your feet from heel to toes and then use short brisk strokes up your legs and trunk. Brush the buttocks and lower back upwards. Do your chest and upper back always towards the heart. Women can brush gently around the breasts towards the armpits.
Brush the arms from the finger tips up to the armpits. Brush across the backs of the shoulders and down the front towards the heart.
Use at least one stroke in every area but try to increase the number of strokes so your skin brushing takes about 10 minutes. Wash the brush from time to time in warm soapy water and allow to dry naturally.
You can read more about skin detox in my article:
A 6 Step Skin Detox For Beautiful Skin
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