Scientists now believe that a restricted calorie diet on two days a week may protect your brain against aging and prevent degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s Disease, heart disease, cancer and diabetes. What better way to do this than with a 2 Day Green Smoothie Detox once a week?
Researchers have known for years that a calorie restriction diet can can make animals live up to 50% longer. Now scientists believe that by cutting their calorie intake to between 500 and 800 calories on two days a week humans can reap tremendous health benefits.
Going on a 2 day green smoothie detox once a week is a very good way to achieve this. Cutting calories on only 2 days a week is much more doable for most people than permanently living on a calorie restricted diet although there are those who do adhere to this way of eating.
Dr. Roy Walford’s book Beyond the 120-year diet, for example, describes the scientific principles behind a diet of nutrient dense but low calorie foods that he calls the CRON diet (Calorie Restriction with Optimal Nutrition).
Scientists have discovered that restricted calorie fasting contributes to:
- Lowered free radical formation that damage cells,
- A reduction in inflammation that is an underlying factor in many degenerative diseases like cancer, heart disease and alzheimers.
- A drop in growth factor that is linked with cancer & diabetes
- Triggers the “skinny gene” known as SIRT1 with anti-aging and anti-disease powers
- A drop in bad LDL Cholesterol & triglycerides
- Improved insulin sensitivity for better blood sugar control
- A boost in immune function
- Enhanced DNA repair
A few years ago Professor Mark Mattson of the US National Institute on Aging discovered that rats could get all the benefits of the calorie restriction if their food was only restricted on alternate days.
This prompted the alternate day diet for weight loss that was promoted in women’s magazines a few years ago. I wrote an article about it here:
How To Eat Your Favorite Foods And Still Lose Weight With A Green Smoothie Detox
So how can you benefit from these findings?
The average daily calorie intake for a man is about 2,500 and 2,000 for a woman and scientists are saying that the 2 day fasting days should consist of only 500 – 800 calories a day.
An example of a 500 calories a day diet is 2 apples, 7 oz chicken with no fat or white fish, 7 oz of broccoli, asparagus or cucumber. Sounds exciting doesn’t it?
A much tastier way to do this is to drink 5 green smoothies a day for 2 days. A green smoothie made with fresh juicy fruit and a variety of green leaves would give you about 100 – 150 calories per smoothie.
By following a 2 day green smoothie detox once a week you would get to detox and gain the benefits of the calorie restricted diet at the same time. Of course it goes without saying that you should follow a healthy eating plan the rest of the time.
Learn more about detox in my new ebook 9 Simple Steps To Slenderness.
Hi really enjoyed reading your post.
I must admit I was researching something else when your post came up. Ca,e on out of curiosity more than anything else. Glad I did though. Never really given it much thought before have just tried to eat healthily. Still not 100% clear in my head how eating less helps ageing but will now delve further in to it.
So thanks again
Hi Lee,
Glad you found something of interest. It is thought that the calorie restriction impacts glucose metabolism which can contribute to oxidative stress in the body.
I wish you good health.