Dr Kate Kass, Functional and Regenerative Medicine physician extraodinaire, realized through personal experience that there is no “one-size- fits-all” treatment.
Functional Medicine views us all as being different and treats the individual, not the disease. Practitioners of functional medicine aim to support the normal healing mechanisms of the body, naturally, rather than attacking disease directly as conventional medicine does.
Regenerative medicine is a relatively new field that aims to regenerate damaged human tissue, organs and diseases by utilizing the body’s own regenerative capabilities. The goal of this medicine is to find a way to cure previously untreatable injuries and diseases.
In treating people Dr Kate will ask “Why do you have this problem in the first place?” and “What can we do to restore function?” She seeks to find the root cause of a broad range of acute and chronic conditions using tests, cutting-edge therapies and and protocols from both conventional and functional medicine.
Dr Kate incorporates the “5 Pillars of Functional Wellness” into every healing plan she formulates. The 5 Pillars are: gut health, hormone balance, reduced environmental exposure to toxins, emotional well-being, and physical activity.
Here is her incredible infographic about why Regenerative Medicine is the way of the future.