You might not be thinking too much about your health right now but it’s not too early to start making your plans for your detox next year. In fact detox has already been suggested as the thing to do during the weeks leading up to Christmas so you can eat, drink and make merry as you please! It’s being referred to as “Pre-Tox”. In effect, you detox with the idea of re-toxifying with all sorts of unhealthy food and alcohol! How crazy is that?
Pre-Tox is plain crazy
I am all for detox but the idea of going on a detox diet to lose some weight so you can pig out over the party season is just plain stupid. Anyone with any notion of health at all will realize that the the whole idea of a detox diet is to get rid of toxins to improve your health not to make it alright to eat a load of junk and avoid the weight gain.
Boost your immune system
If it’s Winter where you live then it’s not the time to be skipping meals and restricting calories. This is the time of the year to be trying to boost your immune system so you avoid catching those pesky cold and flu viruses. The extra stresses and strains increases dramatically at this time of the year.
Regular meals, a good breakfast, warming vegetable soups and lean meat stews, whole grains, plenty of fruit and vegetables and a few fresh nuts will give you the nutrients needed for good immunity. Don’t forget to add a little raw food too.
It’s vital to get plenty of sleep. The longer days of darkness mean that it’s natural to have more sleep .Late nights and stress will take their toll on your body. Too much alcohol, sugar or heavy meals before bedtime ruin a good night’s sleep.
Detox the alcohol
If you have had more alcohol than you intended then drink a large glass of water before you go to bed and take a B complex supplement that contains approximately 50 mg of the of the B vitamins or a tablespoon of Brewer’s yeast. Take 1 gram Vitamin C as well. They will help detox the alcohol.
Properly managed detox
So getting back to the planning your detox, if you have already done some detox then you will not need any convincing that it can make a huge difference to how you feel and can have an impact on your health problems. For many years the term “detox” was only ever associated with alcohol or drug abuse but today properly managed detox can vastly improve your health.
Is detox a waste of time?
Every January the media like to publish comments from doctors and dietitians who say that detox is a waste of time and money because your body detoxifies all the time. But they aren’t reading the published research.
One study I came across showed that a number of people who were suffering from symptoms of toxicity and metabolic problems had their symptoms decrease by over 50% after a 3 week detox program. What’s more there was biochemical evidence that their liver detox function had improved too!
Toxins linked with disease in research
The role of detox in reducing the risk of disease had a boost recently with the publication in The Journal of the American Medical Association of a link between the levels of Bisphenol A in the urine and the risk of diabetes, heart disease and liver disease. Bisphenol A is something I have already written about in a previous post.
It is also known that chronic exposure to the herbicide Atrazine causes insulin resistance, and dysfunction in the mitochondria, the little powerhouses of your cells that produce energy.
Other research shows that toxic metals such as mercury, lead, or cadmium interfere with the way energy is produced in your cells which correlates with the increased risk to various chronic diseases.Numerous people have benefited from a properly designed and implemented detox program.
Researchers have shown that the result is so much more that more than just a “feel good” factor. The results can be demonstrated through improved blood chemistries, improved cardiovascular fitness tests, and improved cognitive and neurological test results. This is real proof that it is not a waste of time, money or effort.
You can get your health back
The bottom line is, if you’re sick, aching, unable to lose weight and miserable, you are toxic! But you don’t have to put up with it any longer. If you knew there was a way to gradually, slowly and safely eliminate these toxins to get back your energy and health you deserve wouldn’t you want to do it?
Of course you would. Well Dr Ritamarie, one of the world’s leading authorities on cleansing and detoxification and Tera Warner a great health coach and proponent of the raw food diet are once again going to be running their long awaited 6 Week Deep Tissue Cleanse in January.
If you have chronic, long-standing and complex health problems, you need a deeper cleansing than can be accomplished in just 7 days. The powerful 6-Week Deep Tissue Detoxification Protocol literally dissolves and banishes the dreadful toxins that have been lingering in your body for years!
Don’t miss this great opportunity to find the ultimate detox that is right for you. Dr Ritamarie is offering 3 different programs that take into account your level of experience with detox, your current diet, time available and most importantly your budget.
Tera is launching all the details of what is probably the world’s greatest detox program on Thursday at noon Eastern Time . I don’t know all the details myself yet but I hear they are offering some fantastic deals.
COMMIT to Your Health, NOW.
Get all the details HERE
But not before Thursday 10th at Noon Eastern Time