When doing a detoxification program, staying home is a good idea since the first couple of days of the cleansing process can leave you feeling dizzy, sick or weak. Detoxing is performed for a variety of reasons, such as to cleanse the colon and kidneys and remove toxic substances in order to improve digestion and excretion. While it is possible to perform detoxification by using commercial colonics, herbal mixtures, juices, nutritional supplements or tonics, home remedies that typically consist of fruits, vegetables and water can be less expensive.
Cabbage Soup:
The Cabbage Soup Detox is also referred to as the Cabbage Soup Diet, since it can also be used to kick start a weight loss program. This soup is prepared with vegetables, such as cabbage, carrots, celery, green peppers, mushrooms, onions and tomatoes. Along with water, you should consume as much of this soup as you possibly can for seven days, without eating anything else during that period of time.
Coffee Enemas:
It is suggested that the liver can be cleansed and relief can be gained when feeling sluggish by using coffee rather than water to perform an enema. However, you should use organic coffee because commercial coffee contains additives that can be harmful if you absorb them through an enema.
Epsom Bath Salts:
You can draw out the toxins in your body to your skin’s surface by taking a Epsom Salt Detox Bath, while toxins will be pulled out of your body as the water cools. Detoxing can be augmented with Epsom salts that will also cause you to sweat. Moreover, if you add these natural salts to water, they will help cleanse your colon too.
Fruit Fast:
You can purge your body of fats, preservatives and any other unhealthy elements by doing a fast and eating just one type of fruit throughout the fast. The
2 Day Apple Detox Diet is one such fast, in which you only consume apple juice, apples and water for two days before you gradually reintroduce other foods.
Heavy metals and impurities can be flushed out from the system by drinking a combination of fresh fruit and vegetable juices. For juice detoxing some fruits and vegetables that work well include blueberries, carrots, grapefruit, grapes, spinach, and wheat grass.
Impurities can also be purged from the body by sweating, as a result of which the appearance of your skin will be improved, and weight loss will be improved. If you are feeling ill because of the weather, sweating can also prove to be helpful to get a bug out of your system. You can encourage your body to sweat by dressing in layers and exercising, but make sure that you remain well-hydrated.
Lemon Water:
Throughout the day, simply add lemon juice to the water that you drink. This lemon detox drink will aid the cleansing process. Lemons and other citrus fruits contain citric acid which can increase metabolism, generating an internal heat to burn fat. Lemons also contain d-limonene which helps to disolve fat sludge and activates several of the Phase I and Phase II liver detox enzymes responsible for clearing toxins.
Detoxification itself falls under acute dependency care. Although the above home remedies can be useful, having an EHIC card can make it easier to seek immediate acute dependency care.
Author Bio:
Melody Cleo is a passionate blogger from Manchester, UK. In her free time, she writes articles on various topics such as technology, gadgets, travel…etc. As of now she is focusing on European Health Insurance Card, which provides health insurance services for the European people.
These are really nice tips. I did a fast not too long ago eating only fruits and not one kind of fruit. I will show this to my sister and I am sure she will love this tips. Thanks for sharing them here, Melody.
Hi Andy,
How did you get on with your fast? How long did you do it for? Would love to hear more of your experience.