Detoxing is a perfect way to get healthy. It can help you shed a few pounds or kickstart your new healthy eating program. It can restore your energy and help you improve your brain function. However, detoxing can come with drawbacks. Here are 5 tips for how to detox safely.
#1 Get doctor approval.
If you are being treated for a serious health problem such as diabetes, heart disease, low blood pressure, high blood pressure, kidney disease or cancer make sure you discuss your plans with your doctor.
If your doctor is not knowledgable about detoxing you should consult a doctor, naturopath, nutritionist or other health practitioner who is experienced in detox. If you are pregnant or very underwieght you should not attempt a detox program.
#2 Start slowly.
You can experience uncomfortable side effects if you detox too quickly. Some of the side effect you could get include dizziness, headache, skin erruptions, and bowel problems. Diarrhea isn’t uncommon. If you experience a lot of uncomfortable symptoms you might need to reduce the intensity of your detox .
The detox symptoms are the result of your liver not being able to cope with all the toxins being released into your system at once. They can also be a result of withdrawal from caffeine, sugar, processed foods or chemicals.
If you normally drink a lot of caffeine, diet sodas or have a lot of sugar in your diet this can happen if you have taken long enough to wean yourself off them. You may get withdrawal symptoms as your body adjusts.
The best approach to detoxing is to ease into it. For example, you might start by introducing fresh vegetable juices or Green Smoothies in place of one meal and eat two solid healthy meals on the first few days. You should increase your vegetable and salad intake for the solid meals.
Then have juices or Green Smoothies in place of two meals for the next few days with one solid meal and then have only fresh vegetable juices of Green Smoothies for the next day or two. You can then ease back into eating solid foods by reversing the process.
Be aware of your body’s reaction and make adjustments as you go. For example, if you’re juicing and have a detox reaction you might reduce the juicing and eat one solid meal during the day. Enemas can help on these occasions too.
#3 Keep a journal.
It’s a good ideas to keep a record of your symptoms and side effects you experience. Make a note of what you ate and drank before you experienced the symptoms. That way you can recognize patterns in what you’re eating or your symptoms.
#4 Detox when you have some “me” time.
The best time to do a detox is when you can rest and relax. Starting a detox on a Friday and over a long weekend works well for most people. You will get the best results from your detox if you can take it easy and rest your mind. If you have to go to work, tend to family or have a lot of committments while you’re detoxing it can be extra stressful. Get plenty of rest and treat your body well.
#5 Drink pure water!
Although researchers are now saying that water does not help with the actual detox process I believe that water helps to dilute the toxins. Everything works better when your body is well hydrated. It can make a difference to your focus and mental clarity too.
You should only drink filtered or good bottled still water.
Finally, if you follow these tips for how to detox safely and a well designed detox plan you should not experience any unbearable symptoms or side effects. Don’t attempt to detox without a solid and safe plan like my Recharge & Energize Detox Plan. To your great health!
Thanks for these tips. Do you recommend sweating (as in going to a sauna) for safe detoxing? I’m a beginner…
Andy, saunas are a good way to detox as long as you take care to stay well hydrated and don’t overdo it. According to the studies that Dr Myhill has done
most ot the toxins come out in the first few minutes so staying in for a long time is not neceassary or any more beneficial.
Good health
The best time to do a detox is when you can rest and relax. You will get the best results from your detox if you can take it easy and rest your mind. If you have to go to work, tend to family or have a lot of committments while you’re detoxing it can be extra stressful.
You are absolutely right Charmaine. It’s very important to rest when detoxing so the body can put all it’s energies into it.
Good health
Thanks for this post – I definitely feel like I could use a good detox. I have let my diet slip in a major way since January (you know, once my new year’s resolution wore off).
Well, thet’s often the case Charlie. Life gets in the way but making a point to detox from time to time can bring you back on track again.
Good health