Toxic chemicals found in food, water and the air you breathe are now found in every person. The accumulation of these chemical compounds can lead to a variety of metabolic dysfunctions and even disease states. They affect your immune system, your nervous system and your glandular system. They can cause problems with your immune system, autoimmune disease, asthma, allergies, cancer, mood changes, memory and other cognitive problems, neurological diseases, reproductive problems and glucose dysregulation. So you can see that you must detox your body regularly of these chemicals if you want to be healthy.
Your Environment is flooded with Toxic Chemicals
These days of modern living have brought a huge rise in chemical toxin related illness. Studies of human body tissues reveal that 100 % of samples contain alarming levels of xenobiotics – chemicals that are not produced in the body nor are expected to be present in the body. These can be lowered if you make an effort to detox your body with a good detox diet plan.
76 % of samples contain a least 20 of the 54 chemicals researchers from the Environmental Protection Agency looked for. Your body may contain damaging dioxins, solvents, benzene, toluene, chlorobenzine, DDE (a breakdown product of DDT, a pesticide that was banned in the US in 1972) and PCB’s ( polychlorinated biphenyls).
PCB’s get into the environment as unintentional by-products of chemical manufacturing andincineration and may cause a wide range of harmful health effects in humans and animals, including skin complaints, cancer, liver damage, immune system suppression and damage to the nervous and reproductive systems. Do you see why you have to detox your body if you want to be healthy?
Air pollution kills
Living near a highway (motorway) can double your risk of suffering from heart disease. Shocking reports reveal that more Britains die every year from health problems associated with air pollution that from obesity, passive smoking and traffic accidents.
A groundbreaking study by scientists in Barcelona, Spain, Switzerland and University of Southern California reveals for the first time that arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries with plaque) can be caused by chemicals that get into your body from air pollution. Diesel fueled cars generate more dangerous pollution than cars that run on gas (petrol).
Even if you don’t live near a highway you will be exposed to higher levels of solvents if you visit the dry cleaners, a service station or drive a vehicle.
Indoor air more polluted than outdoor air
It’s hard to imagine but studies have found that exposure to multiple chemicals can be worse indoors than outdoors. Household cleaning products, paint, insecticides, pressed wood products and furniture, wood burning appliances, insulating materials, chemicals used on fabrics, carpets
before you buy them all contribute to the unsuspected load.
Even your TV set and electrical wiring in your home will outgas some toxic chemicals. Some of the chemicals released are so powerful they can damage your immune system.
Low thyroid function linked to environmental chemicals
Many chemicals can cause a reduction of both the thyroid hormones T4 & T3. PCB’s that are structurally similar to thyroid hormone cause a reduction of thyroid hormone production and its transport around the body in animal experiments. They also interfere with the conversion of T4 to T3, the active hormone.
Flame retardants used in your home and exposure to lead can also affect your thyroid function. Certain drugs as well as chemicals can increase part of the detox system leading to an increase in the excretion of thyroid hormone.
Thyroid hormones drive your metabolism. If you have low thyroid function you may have be struggling to control your weight and your detox system will not work so well. Many people have unsuspected low thyroid function.
Toxin associated cancers
Not only have chemicals been found in higher levels in people with cancer but they have been found in higher levels in the cancer tissue than the adjacent healthy tissue. Higher than normal levels of DDE and PCB have been linked with an increased risk of breast cancer.
Studies of chidren with brain cancer show a positive association with exposure to No-Pest strips, Kwell shampoo ( contains lindane), flea collars on pets, termite treatment, use of pesticides and herbicides in gardens.
No-Pest strips and household pesticides and insecticides have also been associated with leukemia. Certain herbicides have been linked with increased incidence of lung cancer, stomach cancer, leukemia, Hodgkin’s lymphoma, non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and sarcoma. Farmers exposed to herbicides have 8 times the risk of non-Hodgkins Lymphoma compare to non exposed individuals.
Chemicals in your food
Testing for chemicals on food which is done routinely throughout the world reveals consistently that it contains multiple contaminants. You can read more in my previous post.
Toxins in you Food Are you Poisoning yourself.
Is your detox system up to scratch?
Some people are less able to clear toxins from their bodies than others. Genetic variations, deficiencies of nutrients needed by the detox system and the blocking of some enzymes by heavy metals and other toxins will make a difference. When the chemicals accumulate beyond a certain point they cause damage to organs.The major systems that are affected are the immune system, nervous system and endocrine (glandular)system but all organs and systems can be affected.
There is no doubt that we are all struggling under a huge burden of environmental toxins which can be lowered by regular and effective detox. You must regularly detox your body if you want to be healthy.
Why not get started on the Healthy Lady Fresh Start Detox. It’s based on gluten free, alkaline forming, natural whole foods designed to strengthen your immune system, recharge your digestive system and boost your mental and emotional outlook so you can be at your very best – healthy and energized. Find out more about detox your body coaching here: Fresh Start Detox
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