Taking steps to detoxify the body can help to counterbalance the effects of everyday convenience foods (and other habits which are bad for our health), but only if it is done correctly. Eating the correct sorts of foods and drinking plenty of water and other healthy liquids such as green tea is only half the story.
The other half is getting a good night’s sleep. Sleep is vital to the detoxification process as it is the time when the body does most of its internal maintenance, including its cleaning.
Therefore, detoxifying effectively means ensuring that the body gets plenty of quality rest and in many cases that means taking steps to deal with the issues which stop us from sleeping well, commonly summarized by the word stress.
Here are three ways to bust stress and give a boost to your detox at the same time.
Get a massage
Massage is renowned the world over for its ability to relieve stress and can offer many other health benefits besides. Although there are numerous different kinds of massage, which are used in different contexts, they all work in basically the same way.
They manipulate the muscles in different parts of the body. In so doing, the act of massage also stimulates blood flow, hence the redness some people see on their skin during or shortly after a massage.
Since blood is what carries both nutrients and toxins around the body, the former are delivered more quickly while the latter are expelled more quickly, hence assisting with the overall detoxifying process.
Use infra-red therapy
Many people will be instinctively aware of the healing and soothing power of heat. A simple hot water bottle is a staple remedy for minor aches and pains and is safe for people of all ages.
There are many other ways heat is used to help with physical and mental conditions, from heat-producing muscle sprays to hot baths.
An infrared sauna is one of the most exciting developments of recent years. Infra-red heat is particularly beneficial for health as it reaches the core of the human body warming it, safely, from within. As a result, it stimulates the body’s systems and hence encourages it to expel toxins.
Sweating contains much the same toxins and unwanted nasties as urine and by sweating you rid the body of so much unwanted salts and contaminants, but the benefits don’t end there. Sweating is a natural bodily function to cool the body and in doing so in a hot environment, the body also starts another natural function, fending off a fever. When you’re in a sauna environment the body immune system goes into overdrive and produces white blood cells to fend off the incoming fever. This not only exercises the immune system for ‘the real thing’, these white blood cells set off around the body to kill off any nasty’s there might be there already. Increasing blood flow, heart rate, cardiovascular health and vein capacity as it goes.
Learn to love steam
Even though common notion regarding steam room benefits are that they only allow you to relax and cleanse out the skin; there is a lot more to relaxing in a sauna steam room
A natural solution for nasal congestion is another obvious steam sauna benefit, better still, other benefits consist of improving and exercising the functioning of the immune system (so, less odds of falling unwell); better blood circulation and finally, achieving a cleansing of the lymphatic system.
Ensuring that your immune system continue to perform at its best is essential for a healthy body and a strong immune system keeps the usual (and, unusual) illnesses at bay and it likewise helps you to battle bacteria, toxins, viruses and other parasites.
Another significant steam room benefit is perspiring to rid the body of toxins and increasing the heart rate and blood flow to the areas that might need it. All this I brought about by the increase heat within the environment.