More and more people are turning to a raw food diet not only to detox but as a way of life. This was once considered to be a passing fad diet but is now seriously embraced by many people. However, many people still do not know what to eat on a raw food diet.
When you think about it all foods can be eaten raw. It is the after effect that counts as it can either be healthy or dangerous. What matters most in raw food diets is not only getting the balance of foods right for your particular metabolism but also whether or not it is right for you. It may end up being nutritious and healthy or lead to undernourishment and health complications.
What is a raw food diet?
The question for most people is, “what to eat on a raw food diet”. Before going into that let’s look at what a raw diet is and what it consists of. A raw diet is influenced by the fact that most plant foods are best when they are in their natural state – uncooked and unprocessed. They are considered to be of most benefit to the body as they are whole, just as nature made them – nothing added and nothing taken away. Sticking to such a diet is not easy. It certainly needs dedication for you to be successful at it.
A raw food detox diet consists of natural plants like vegetables, fruit, sprouted seeds, beans and lentils, whole grains, nuts and seaweed. Things such as alcohol, caffeine and sugars that are refined are considered taboo by raw foodists.
Such diets normally consist of strictly plant foods with no animal products. However, there are those raw foodists who decide to add raw eggs and cheese and yogurt that is made from milk that is raw or unpasteurized. Some also eat raw meat and fish.
Raw foods are never cooked. They may be gently heated but never above 118 F. This is due to the popular belief that cooking food kills most of the nutrients that are beneficial to the body. For variety some food can be prepared using a food dehydrator or in a very low temperature oven that will make the food crunchy.
Successful raw foodists reveal what they eat
If you really want to know what to eat on a raw food diet then who better to ask than successful raw fooders themselves. Nomi Shannon, award winning raw food author and world renowned raw food coach has done just that in her exciting new book “What do Raw Fooders Eat?”
Nomi has gone out and asked no less than 46 successful raw foodists what they eat. She has persuaded them to reveal exactly what they eat, when they eat, how often they eat, how much they eat, what supplements or superfoods they take and more. Even when it goes against “the raw food diet rule book”. Even better, they explain how they do it without spending hours in the kitchen or a fortune on speciality foods.
And, if you are already eating a high percentage raw food diet or simply want to experiment more with raw foods you will be thrilled with all the new ideas in this rare collection of raw food recipes.
Feel guilty about eating too much cooked food?
Or, if you ever feel guilty for eating “too much” cooked food, Martine Lussier, the Culinary Program Manager at Living Light Culinary Arts Institute is a great example of a “high raw” person who combines raw food with healthy cooked foods like hot soup and quinoa.
Brand new ideas, raw food recipes and menus
This compilation will give you hundreds of brand new ideas to thrill your taste buds and shake up your menu plan. You’ll never again settle for the same boring meals, or wonder what to eat.
I was lucky enough to get a review copy and I was surprised to learn of the the personal stories of some of the raw foodists who are featured and the different ways that they approach the diet. It’s a great book to have for inspiration and motivation.
You will probably have heard of some of the names that feature in the book like Victoria Boutenko, Matt Monarch, Doug Graham, Cherie Soria, Dr. Jameth Sheridan and Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo. Then there are others like Will Tuttle, David Kaplan, Susan Schenck, and Trevor Justice who eat 50% – 90% raw.
It even comes with a 12 month money back guarantee so you can take a look at it and see if you find anything useful in it. I would be very surprised if you didn’t.
To sweeten the deal Nomi has included $418.57 worth of ebooks in bonuses. So, if you want to find out what to eat on a raw food diet and more I can highly recommend it. You can get it here:
What Do Raw Fooders Eat?
Great article. We all need guidance and updated info when trying to live healthier. My husband and I also bought a juicer and we can now drink our fruits and veges! YUM!
Hi Nikki,
With all the recipe books I have both in paper and digital I thought I had seen it all but some of the recipes in the bonus books that Nomi is offering with “What DO Raw Fooders Eat” are out of this world!
Good health
Raw foods that I ever ate only fruits and some kinds of vegetables. Although not everyone likes to eat raw foods, but I’m sure that the nutrients contained in the foods is higher when it’s still fresh.
There are so many health benefits to be had from adopting even a partial raw food diet. Thanks for the heads up about the book and all the good information! Many people are surprised that raw food recipes can be so diverse and flavorful.