Marijuana is famously known across the world for its psychoactive effects that alter the minds of people. It gets counted as one of the potent herbal plants in the world. Marijuana is illegal in most places. However, the hype about Marijuana is surging owing to its vast medicinal uses. Assessing its magical therapeutic effects, it’s becoming popular amongst people. The laws are also becoming flexible with the rising demands for Marijuana. Though to circumvent the drug tests and several other reasons, people are finding ways to lash out the toxins of Marijuana from their bodies. Let us know more about it.
Why do people use Marijuana?
You can consume weed in many forms through vaporizers, hand joints, cartridges, or pipes. Vaporizers are the right fit for someone desiring low smoke. There are several other ways you can consume Marijuana. You can add marijuana extracts to the drinks or mix them with food. Weed comes in cookies, oil, gummies, tinctures, and other forms. The active ingredient in Marijuana is THC. When you take weed from Get Kush, the THC diffuses in the bloodstream and makes its way to the brain. Soon after the intake of Marijuana, you feel relaxed, and the mood enhances. With a high dose, people experience psychotic and hallucinogenic effects.
Detox kits can beat drug tests
There has been a rise in those products in the market that detoxify your body for the THC extracts. The kits usually contain some pills, chewable gums, shampoos, mouthwash, or drinks to be taken for the addiction of Marijuana. These carefully designed detox kits can help you to pass the THC drug tests. They boost the natural detox mechanism of the body and show effect after a couple of hours. They taste like energy drinks and the ideal time of consuming them is 3 hours before the test. If you exceed the time, you may require another shot of a detox drink.
How do Detox remedies work?
Marijuana detox aims to free your body of any trace of THC. However, there can be a severe concern while getting a drug test done. Amongst the various types of drug tests, the most common is the urine test. The detox samples have diuretic properties, and they considerably reduce the amount of THC in the body. The urine can be different than usual and might become suspicious to the checkers. It leads to pressure on the bladder of the person, and one has to urinate frequently. The detox also affects the creatinine levels in the urine that may hinder the drug test. Careful use of detox can only pass you in the drug test.
How long does Marijuana bind in the system?
Marijuana stays in the system for varied hours in different parts of the body. It is present in the hairs (90 days), urine (3 days), saliva (48 hours), blood (36 hours), and sweat for two weeks. Studies also say that bits of cannabinoid find shelter in body sweat for a longer duration. The time for which Marijuana binds in the system depends on a lot of factors. The impinging factors are dosage and the strain of Marijuana use. The body type of the person also decides the binding time. The higher dose you take of Marijuana, the longer it will last in your body. Those who take Marijuana regularly will have its traces even after months.
Detox & Withdrawal Symptoms
Acquiring complete detox is not an easy thing. The withdrawal symptoms trigger the process of detox. Some people might quote Marijuana as addictive as the withdrawal becomes very difficult with its excessive use. Marijuana becomes a disorder in such cases of difficult withdrawal. With the pervasive use of Marijuana, there has been an influential hike in the rehab centers. It is high time when terminologies like Marijuana Detox become prominent. Once your body becomes addicted to THC and CBD, it becomes uneasy for you to stop the intake.
If you need help then check out for resources within your own community.
Not every person responds with alien symptoms after rescinding the use of Marijuana. Loss of sleep and mild headache are common symptoms observed with everybody. Some other people might face a loss of concentration, depression, cough, loss of appetite, and night sweats. These symptoms usually occur after 2-3 days of the withdrawal, and they may last up to 3 weeks. All those people wanting to get rid of the THC should go for Marijuana detox. The use of Marijuana may ban you from taking up a job in a place where Marijuana is prohibited.
Related reading: 6 Tips for Successful Marijuana Detox
Tips for Marijuana Detox
Detox affects the physical and mental state of the person. For people going for detox, it is necessary to know some things that may help them prevent those unwanted symptoms post-detox. You can do the natural detox at home. You can also use the readymade detox samples in the market, which are more reliable. However, with good detox processes, the withdrawal process becomes easy. Here are some healthy tips that you can try to prepare yourself for the detox.
- Drink plenty of water before going for detox.
- You should take a hot water bath which can immensely reduce physical pain and provide mental relaxation.
- Take a healthy, sugar-free, and light diet.
- Keep yourself busy. Sitting idle will make you crave weed.
- Eliminate anxiety-causing food items from food like caffeine.
- Do a little exercise daily for a sound body and mind.
- Seek help from someone if you are trying detox for the first time at home.
Marijuana stays in the body for a significant time. The time depends on body type, the potency of weed, and several other things. A person who takes high doses of Marijuana for a long time will have to wait for months until every trace of THC is out of the body. They suffer symptoms like insomnia and nausea. These symptoms fade away in weeks after stopping the weed intake. Their withdrawal process is longer and complex than the one who is not addicted to Marijuana. With the guidance of a therapist accompanied by proper detoxing tips, it will be a seamless, easy process for anyone. For help visit
Marijuana image by Jacqueline Wales
Marijuana cannabis weed image by John Miller
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