Do you ever feel jealous or even intimidated when you hear about some of these celebrities who pay large sums of money to spend a couple of weeks detoxing in a luxurious health spa?
Or maybe you’ve been put off by hearing tales of the do-it-yourself colonics that people do when they go to some of the detox retreats on Koh Samui.
Most of us can’t just stop our lives in order to do a hard-core detox. If you want to detoxify while still getting on with your life, here are some gentle, but effective methods.
1. Raw fruit and vegetable detox
For this kind of detox, you eat only raw fruits and raw or lightly steamed vegetables for 2 or 3 days. It’s an ideal detox to do over a weekend. It can help kickstart healthy eating if you’ve fallen off the wagon or you’ve never really got to grips with a healthy eating plan.
It’s important that you don’t rush headlong into this fruit and veg detox, or any detox in fact, without some preparation or you will most likely have some unpleasant withdrawal symptoms especially if you normally drink a lot of tea or coffee and you have quite a lot of sugar in your diet. It can be surprising how much hidden sugar you consume even if you don’t add it to your food or drinks.
It’s best to eat organic food while you are on a fruit and vegetable detox. Much of the principle behind detoxification is to reduce the intake of toxins as well as flushing them from your system.
2. Green Smoothie Detox
This can be a very tasty detox! You have the choice here of living on green smoothies for 2 days with no other food or simply drinking several a day while you eat healthy meals. You could even combine green smoothies with the fruit and veg detox.
You will find many recipes for green and other smoothies on the internet as well as in magazines as they have become so popular. Some recipes I’ve seen are loaded with all sorts of unhealthy ingredients like ice cream, chocolate, sugar and syrups but that is not the sort you want for detoxing or for health.
Green smoothies are made with green leaves and fruit. If you don’t normally eat a lot of green leafy veg then this is brilliant way of increasing your intake. If the smoothie is made properly you won’t even taste the “green” especially if you start with mild greens like Romaine or little gem lettuce or baby spinach and include enough fruit.
You can start with a ratio of 60% fruit and 40% greens then gradually increase the greens until you are having 60% or more green leaves and 40% or less fruit. Some of the best fruits to use are apples, peaches, pears, mango and berries especially blueberries.
Apples, peaches, nectarines, strawberries, grapes, spinach, kale and celery are some of the most heavily pesticide contaminated fruits and vegetables so it’s best to buy them organic if you can.
You can add some seeds like chia or flax for more fiber and to fill you up more if you like but it’s best to soak the chia seeds in a little pure water for 10 – 15 minutes first. Use 1 tablespoon for an 8 oz smoothie.
3. Overall Lifestyle Detox Boosts
Instead of following a specific detox diet plan you can simply make changes to your diet and lifestyle that will help to support the detox system. Some ways to do that are:
- Switch to organic, grass-fed or free-range meats. Grass-fed products are rich in all the fats now proven to be needed for health but low in the fats that have been linked with disease. Grass -fed meat contains more omega-3 fatty acids to omega 6 and more CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid). Most people eat too many omega-6 fats and not enough omega-3. CLA is a fat that reduces the risk of cancer, obesity, diabetes, and a number of immune disorders.
- Avoid refined sugar and reduce foods containing it. If you really need to use a sweetener use a little raw, unfiltered honey, real maple syrup, dates, or stevia instead.
- Switch to organic, whole, fresh foods rather than conventionally grown, processed or prepackaged foods.
- Reduce dairy products and eat only organic products.
- Use only natural personal care products like soap, shower gel, shampoo, deodorant, skin products and cosmetics. Hard to believe but the average American is exposed to more than a hundred chemicals from products they use every day.Many of them are unregulated and can cause cancer, disrupt hormones and affect your nervous system. They can accumulate in your body and scientists now believe that a cocktail of these toxic chemicals is far more harmful than each individual chemical.
- Drink plenty of pure water (not tap water) and use a shower filter. If you don’t like plain water try these detox waters.
- Exercise regularly. It keeps the blood and lymph circulation moving and induces sweating both of which help with detoxing the body.
4. Meditation and relaxation
Your body can’t detox when you are stressed. The stress hormone cortisol, if raised, can supress thyroid function which in turn impaires liver detoxification.
Feelings of anger, jealousy, fear, sadness, grief, can also impact detoxification
Meditation relaxes the body and enables you to let go of these feelings. Some therapists use meditation, visualization and energy channeling to help move toxins out of the body.
If you want a more structured plan then my new ebook 9 Simple Steps To Slenderness can guide you.
Did you think that detoxing could be so easy? Let me know what you think in the comments. 🙂
Hey Sandy,
I used to juice, apple, celery and carrot juice and it was fine and sweet enough to really enjoy. However when I think of smoothies, oh I want the chocolate syrup and so much ice cream that it turns into a thick shake. I know I am naughty but I am human.
It was only the other day I scraped my apple with a knife to see all the wax come off it. Now I try to remember to peel my apples as they are not organically bought.
I did a silly thing when I was studying for an exam years ago. I thought I would go on a detox and I followed the method and I stopped coffee. The best advice this detox plan gave me was when you feel a headache coming on lay down or just go to bed early. Well it felt as if I was carrying two bricks on my head and every time I moved they banged my head. I was horrified at what stopping coffee could do. I got through the days but I can’t say I enjoyed them. But I did see my skin shine a little more than it does.
However I am thinking the raw fruit and veg for three days is definitely something to think about. Thanks for another great food for thought post.
Hey Rachel,
I takes time to change your tastes. My husband was a lover of all things chocolate but now, after living with me and eating a better diet, if he tries a chocolate dessert that he thinks looks delicious he finds it sickly and does not really enjoy it.
Going cold turkey on coffee is never a good idea. It’s always best to cut down on it very gradually before you attempt to follow a detox plan. Even then some people just need to have one coffee a day. With all the research there is on the health benefits of coffee we are seeing these days I’m not sure that you really have to give it up entirely when you detox.
A 2 or 3 day fruit and veg detox is usually a doddle to do and as it’s Spring where you live it’s the ideal time to do it.
Good health,
Hi Sandy,
I am working very had be stay fit and get a great body. I have been using the very common detox water but you have given me so many ways to stay fit. Thanks for giving me so many options, i will definitely try the smoothies. Thanks a lot for the post.