Many studies show that the vitamins, minerals, amino acids, chlorophyll and other substances in chlorella, a single-celled fresh water green algae, helps to detoxify the body. But it has been proven that it is the tough fibrous material in the outer shell that actually binds with toxins and carries them out of the body.
It is often included as part of a detox program to help remove heavy metals such as mercury, cadmium and lead, and pesticides, such as PCB’s, and dioxins that accumulate in our bodies causing many health problems.
Most manufacturers break down the thick cell wall mechanically or chemically to make it more digestible and absorbable. New technology that uses sound waves to crack the hard wall claims to be best method as it preserves the vital nutrients inside.
A few people find they get some intestinal discomfort when taking chlorella and they probably lack the enzyme cellulase that would help digest the fibrous cell wall. Cellulase can be taken as a supplement which could help if you have this problem.
Chlorella Growth Factor
There are a number of different types of chlorella but Chlorella Pyreneidosa is considered the best for toxin absorption although it is harder to digest. Chlorella Vulgaris is higher in Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF) but has less metal absorbing capacity. CGF is a phytonutrient that stimulates tissue repair and healing.
Some researchers believe that aging is due to the increased breakdown of RNA and DNA , the genetic blueprint of the body. CGF contains RNA and DNA which can provide the building blocks for repair of our own genetic material.
Dr. Klinghardt, who is is probably the foremost authority on the subject of heavy metals detoxification in the world, says that “Chlorella growth factor helps the body detoxify itself in a yet not understood profound way. It appears that over millions of years chlorella has developed specific detoxifying proteins and peptides for every existing toxic metal.”
Chlorella is often combined with cilantro (coriander/Chinese parsley) as according to Dr Klinghard it can release toxic metals better from the nervous system and bones. In fact it can release more toxins than it can absorb so chlorella is used to bind with them and take them out of the body in the stools.
Healing powers of Chlorophyll
Chlorella contains over 12% chlorophyll, the largest amount in any plant gram for gram. Chlorophyll is the substance that makes plants green and photosynthesis possible – the process by which plants use the energy from the sun to convert carbon dioxide and water to glucose. The chemical structure of chlorophyll is very similar to the “heme” of hemoglobin in human blood. The only difference in the two is that chlorophyll has the mineral magnesium at its center and heme has iron in its center.
From studies in Japan where the interest in chlorella has focused mainly on its detoxifying abilities it seems that the detoxification effects are due to both the chlorophyll content and the substances in the cell walls. Chlorophyll carries carries oxygen which rapidly improves blood oxygenation and helps cleanse the body It’s ability to bind to and remove toxic heavy metals such as mercury makes it an extremely useful health.
Chlorella can be used as a colon detox. The cell wall material stimulates peristalsis, the wave like contractions of the colon, and it promotes the growth of the good intestinal bacteria.
Chlorella as a food
The famous American Naturapath Bernard Jensen is quoted as saying ” I know that chlorella is a food and not a medicine. We must realize, however, that the reason so many scientists are putting in so much time and effort into investigation chlorella and CGF is because there is already a great deal of proof that that Chlorella and CGF even in relatively small amounts stimulate growth, tissue repair and healing to an extent not previously found in any other food.
How Much Chlorella Should I Take For Detoxification?
If you take 5 – 7 grams a day you should notice significant changes in your energy and overall health. It’s best to start off with a much smaller dose and build up gradually as you could initially get mild diarrhea or bowel discomfort such as gas or bloating. Your body should adapt and you can gradually build up the dose.
Take it divided into 3 or 4 doses before meals and at bedtime. The chlorophyll will make your stools go green so if they don’t you are not taking enough!
3 – 5 grams a day is a maintenance dose. You may not notice significant changes but your body should benefit from the nutrients and a slow gradual detox.
To fight disease 10 – 15 grams a day is a better amount. People fighting cancer have been known to take 20 grams a day.
Side effects from the detox of metals can be reduced by increasing the dose. The detox reactions come from the release of more toxins than the chlorella can bind so more is better not worse.
Chlorella comes in various forms from tiny tablets, capsules, powder to liquid forms often combined with other detoxifying substances. Taking the above amounts may mean taking a handful of tiny tablets.
Which chlorella should I take?
Many inferior brands of chlorella sold on the internet have been found to be contaminated with toxic metals and pesticides that seep into the water it is grown in. Be sure to find one that is guaranteed free of these pollutants. It should be free of fillers, binders, coatings and preservatives. After all it is a natural food.
Mike Adams, the Health Ranger recommends Kyoto Chlorella and Dr Mercola promotes one under his own label which is highly digestible and free from fillers and binders. Personally I prefer HMD’s Organic Chlorella which is grown in the pristine mountains of Japan and comes with a certificate to prove it is truly clean.
To get the best from using chlorella you should take it for 6 – 12 months and follow a good healthy diet high in fresh green vegetables, some fresh fruit, whole grains, nuts, seeds and free range grass-fed meat if you are not a vegetarian. It’s important to be aware that fish contain mercury so it’s best to avoid high mercury fish. You can find out more about mercury in fish in this article.
Thank you for your article above about chlorella. If it is not mentionned on the container that it does not contain polluants. Does it mean it does contain pulluants…?? On the container of my chlorella vulgaris, it is written “bio chlorella”…Is this a guarantee of no polluants…?
Thanks for your answer,
J. de Meulenaer
Hi Jacques, No, I don’t think that it means that but any responsible company who gets their chlorella product tested independently usually advertises the fact. Several Bio Chlorella products that I have seen state on their websites that they are free from heavy metals.
It’s best to check each company out. Call their customer service department and ask if they get their product tested.
Good health
Thanks for the article! I take this organic tablet form every day and have never been healthier
I had to discontinue taking chlorella tablets as my sleep really suffered. Almost none. I was able to get some in the earlier morning and a little during the day. I am off work due to mold poisoning and resultant illness, I was however very happy about normal bowel movement. First time in decades. also swelling in my feet stopped and bad rashes stopped which were caused by my damaged immune system from the toxic mold. Please tell me what I can do to have normal sleep while taking Chlorella. Will celantro help this problem (sleep)? Good Bowel movement stopped. I’ve been off Chlorella for almost a month.I had gone up to 14 by twos. Bowel has become very little and more liquid and I noticed my feet were somewhat swollen today. Not terribly, but I notice it when shoes become tight. Very happy to find this site. Thank you very much I hope to hear from you. Carmen 310-847-9893
Hello Carmen, Sorry to hear your sleep was bad when using chlorella and that you are suffering with mold illness. Some people are sensitive to chlorella and it can disturb sleep. It’s known that people with mold illness seem to react to it. Cilantro may help you detox without disturbing your sleep. It is a bit of trial and error sometimes with supplements. Sounds to me from what you say that the cause of your swollen feet and skin rashes is your bowel. I’m sure you know that you need to get your bowel working better if you are using any detox supplements so you can get the toxins out. I don’t know what you diet is like but fiber from whole foods can help bulk out your bowel movements but avoid gluten. Powdered psyllium husks can help to normalize liquid bowel movements. Have you looked into zeolite for eliminating mold toxins? Powdered zeolite can help pick up molds in the gut as well as other toxins and good quality liquid zeolite can help detoxify mold toxins in the body. Zeolith MED or Biopure Zeo are good brands for powdered zeolite. I hope you will find a way through this soon.
Best wishes,
Thank you very much. I realize recently now that foot swelling has returned that the problem is bowel. The chlorella had bowel working wonderfully – like nothing before not even a good fiber. Zeolite for me is dangerous as I have an allergic reaction and IBS. due to mico-toxins. If bowel is not working much at all Zeolite will not be able to help. The chlorella would be great. It also made rashes disappear. Great product!
Thank you
I read recently chlorella from Japan is not good. Very contaminated. There was a list on one site of best countries as tested growing chlorella . So far Taiwan is best. The better chlorella is quite expensive. So do some homework. Thank you Carmen
I see you give the dosage in grams. How many grams to a teaspoon? I take a heaping teaspoon every day. An amazing food that has worked miracles for me. A definite cure for cancer! Skin and lung. Just curious on the dose since it’s always good to know where you are in such matters.
Hi Jim,
It rather depends on the size of your teaspoon but there is approximately 3 grams chlorella powder to a 5 ml teaspoon.
Great to hear it has been successful for you.
Wishing you continued good health.
The Detox Specialist
For many years I have not eaten meat thinking that organic veggies were best. But the dressing was not organic. And the peanut butter was organic, but still my legs and feet would swell. I was eating a lot of organic rice which is carbs which could have a lot of arsenic, which turns out to not be so good since sitting so much. Then my body starting aching too much, including joints. So I dropped the carbs and starting eating meats like on a keto diet. Have almost dropped organic sugar completely. Still aching and heavy. It is hard to tell when the aching is from metal absorption or because of the metals leaving the body. I would think both. If my feet and legs swell immediately after or while eating organic peanut butter, I think that any reaction would be instantaneous. So whether the metals are staying or going there is going to be an aching. the going metals would eventually end though.
I decided to try tumeric and cod liver oil and salmon oil. No response yet. Now I am reading about chlorella. Maybe I should have thought about detoxing first. Maybe those oils are not so healthy Maybe those fish are full of the radiation constantly pouring into the ocean everyday from that ongoing fukushima catastrophe. I don’t know who to trust.
I finally read about the harm of peanut butter. I found out that all seeds need to be soaked/sprouted because of the phytic acid they contain. I think that peanut butter or peanuts may be harmful because they are not soaked/sprouted. I think all foods like grains and nuts and other seeds may have their problems for people because of this phytic acid. Like gluten. Maybe this gluten harm is really the phytic acid. I am 66 and never have heard of phytic acid as being harmful/hurtful til now
And what about all that aluminum in chemtrails? There are chemical corporations still constantly spewing out all their harmful smokes. And then there is that fluoride being scraped out of those smoke stacks and sold to states to put into the drinking water. I drink distilled water, but even a can of organic beans would be full of NO distilled water I am sure. It is hard to move with such overwhelmness, which puts me in the category of one of those billions of people the oligarchs and their depopulation agenda want to remove from the earth.
Hello Pure Energy,
So sorry to hear about all your troubles. It’s certainly difficult in this polluted world of ours to know what’s good for you and what’s not. For an aching body I would start thinking about your gut and what is going on in it. Various gut issues can lead to a leaky gut (increased permeability) which causes food sensitivity and overloads the liver with toxins.
Drinking distilled water all the time can cause an imbalance of minerals unless you are very careful with your diet. Peanuts can harbor mold so depending on the brand of peanut butter you buy is not as good as other nut butters like almond. It’s hard sometimes to figure out what is going on in our bodies and causing the symptoms but the digestive system is always a good place to start.
Actually our homes tend to be more polluted than the outside environment so making sure you avoid all chemicals in the home is important too. Feelings of overwhelm can come from an imbalance of neurotransmitters and as some are made in the gut it points again to gut health. Chlorella can be a good start.
Wishing you all the best in your journey back to good health.
The Detox Specialist
I have been taking chlorella & spirulina for 3 weeks, and those weeks have been horrible. For the first 2 weeks i took 2g per day, & I was doubled-up with gas, & horrible nausea & bloating.
I dropped to 1 small tablet a day, for the last week, and the discomfort has improved, but I am still having some uncomfortable gas.
Am I someone who cannot digest this product, or someone who should take a much higher dose?
I have been on high levels of medications for 20 years, & i know my liver is very toxic.
Thank you so much
Hi Lou, So sorry to hear that you have had this reaction to chlorella and spirulina. The reactions you had could be due to several things. Chlorella might cause an allergic reaction in people who are also allergic to molds or iodine. If you have a leaky gut (increased intestinal permeability), and many people do, then taking chlorella and spirulina could cause endotoxins from the gut to get into the bloodstream and trigger systemic inflammation. If your liver is already toxic then stirring up your gut could have overloaded it with more toxins. I don’t think it would be a good idea to increase the dose, rather look to perhaps supporting your liver and healing your gut.
Best wishes for your journey to better health.
The Detox Specialist
I should also say that since starting the chlorella my stomach & oesophagus are swollen, & my Bronchiectasis is requiring an inhaler. I have a lot of gastric issues, including colitis, IBS & gastritis, although they have been well controlled for a while.
Thank you for your great article, too.
Hi Lou,
Seems like that you have probably have a leaky gut as you have all these issues as mentioned in my other response to your previous comment. A swollen oesophagus and exacerbation of bronchiectasis suggests that the chlorella and spirulina have triggered some further inflammation. There is already inflammation going on in bronchiectasis. Doesn’t sound like it’s good for you to take at the moment.
Best wishes for better health soon.
The Detox Specialist