Detox teas consist of herbs that are known to help support the detox organs. They are often drunk to complement a detox diet.
Detox teas are usually made with a combination of herbs that have been used for hundreds of years by practitioners of Indian and Chinese traditional medicine to cleanse the body of toxins.
Most herbal teas are alkalizing and can often help with the adverse symptoms of the detoxification process.
Sometimes, depending which organ needs most attention during a detox program, a specific herb like dandelion, milk thistle, artichoke or nettle could be chosen.
Dandelion, milk thistle and artichoke are known to have an effect on the liver and nettle on the kidneys. The liver detoxes most of the toxins we get from food, water, the air we breathe and products we apply to our skin. Once the liver reaches a saturation point it causes symptoms.
There are many detox teas on the market that contain a variety of herbs but there have been no formal studies to my knowledge as to their effectiveness.
Related reading: CBD Detox Tea: Health Benefits You Must Know
Thousands of people however, have achieved beneficial results and hundreds have given glowing testimonials for My Miracle Tea, a cleansing detox tea, formulated by Dr Bill Miller.
Related reading: Green Tea Detox : Can you Really Detox with Green Tea?
What is My Miracle Detox Tea?
My Miracle Tea, previously known as Holy Tea, was the subject of his final thesis that earned him a Doctorate of Philosophy and Nutritional Science in 1994.
He began testing this tea over 20 ago as a result of wanting to formulate a tea based drink that would help people lose weight fast but in a healthy way.
Miller originally founded the Jackson Health & Wellness Clinic in Jackson, Tennessee to test the tea on volunteers.
The original My Miracle Tea formula consists of a detoxifying blend of organic herbs – Persimmon Leaf, Malva Leaf, Blessed Thistle and Marshmallow Root but you can now get an enhanced version which contains Ginger and Chamomile as well.
The herbs are 100% caffeine free and the tea bags that they are packaged in are made of unbleached muslin.
The detox tea was intended to clean out the digestive system and detoxify the body. Most people used it for weight maintenance and to strengthen the digestive system.
The majority of the testimonials were from users of the original formula.
What do the herbs do?
Persimmon leaves
Persimmon leaves are good for the relief of constipation. They also contain a natural compound that binds to fat and helps eliminate it from the body reducing the amount of fats in the blood.
They contain many nutrients such as minerals, antioxidants and higher levels of Vitamin C than Green Tea.
Malva Leaf – also known as Chinese Mallow
Malva leaves are thought to be mildly laxative although they relax and soothe the lining of the digestive system. They are often used to make a tea for gastritis or to soothe gastro-intestinal inflammation.
Holy Thistle – also known as Blessed Thistle.
Holy thistle has been used medicinally for over 2000 years, most commonly for the treatment of liver and gallbladder disorders.
A major cause of liver dysfunction is a clogged, toxic bowel. Toxins from the bowel leak into the blood where they circulate to the liver overworking it and causing congestion and sluggishness.
Marshmallow Root/Leaf
Marshmallow has been used to soothe and support the stomach and intestines, Herbalists use it to treat many digestive disorders, including heartburn, indigestion, ulcerative colitis, stomach ulcers and Crohn’s disease as well as respiratory problems and certain skin inflammations.
Marshmallow works by producing a thick sticky substance that coats mucus membranes and the herb has some anti-bacterial effects. It contains flavonoids, antioxidants which have anti-inflammatory properties.
Chamomile has many used in the body but is particularly beneficial for the digestive disturbances, gastrointestinal spasms and inflammatory disease of the gastrointestinal tract. Chamomile helps to relieve nausea, heartburn, and stress-related flatulence.
Ginger has traditionally been used by herbalist for the treatment of gastrointestinal problems including excess gas, intestinal spasms, diarrhea, and inflammation. It also has some anti-bacterial properties and can help combat bad bacteria in the gut.
Benefits of My Miracle Detox Tea
People who have used the tea report experiencing a variety of health and beauty benefits such as increased energy, better mental clarity, improved memory, clearer, younger-looking, softer, healthier skin and better overall health.
Here is what people are saying about it.
Cathi Hoffman, Washington State says:
“Since starting with the tea about 3 weeks ago, I’ve lost over 10 pounds. The symptoms from my Irritable Bowel Syndrome are much, much better! My energy has skyrocketed and I am delighted with all the improvements. I wondered why I was enjoying the spring so much more than usual, then realized that it was because I’m not suffering from my usual hay fever!”
Barbara Lee, age 89 Washington D.C says:
“After retiring from the Washington, D.C. temple at age 85, I had thought I could simply live a simple, quiet life with my wonderful daughter and her husband. Last Fall I was able to find some exercises from LDS health professional ZNA, and then found the tea! I am literally SINGING about the improvements in my energy, bowel difficulties and my heartburn is totally GONE!“
Sherry Wandaj says
“Dr. Miller’s tea is WONDERFUL!!! I went from a size 24 to a 16. I have been drinking his tea on and off for 6 yrs. I was the first person to my knowledge to eat it. I even make ice cups with his tea for my children. I really enjoy it!“
Dr. Herb Oliver, DMD says
“The tea just happens to be the most exquisite and comprehensive total body, herbal cleanse known to man. It’s not just a tea — it’s a life saver! I start all of my patients out on Dr. Miller’s Tea, because it is the most important part of the wellness puzzle.“
Not everyone has good things to say about it though.
Annie who posted a review on Amazon said “I purchased this produce at the recommendation of a spa owner who said she had lost 13 pounds while drinking approx. two 8-oz servings per day. I found it to produce results at only a 4-oz serving, serious stay-close-to-a-bathroom results, with absolutely no weight loss. While I can recommend it as a laxative for those who need one, I cannot recommend it for weight loss.”
Loki said “I don’t think this does anything. I’ve been taking it for 2 weeks and no change in bowel or weight – not that i cared about weight anyway. But I def think it was a waste of money. Have done different cleanses over the years – and if this one is a cleanse it is very weak. Sorry, but its my experience, and it was expensive for some teabags. And yes, I am using as directed.”
It comes with a 90 day money back guarantee so if you don’t see any benefits from it after using it for a minimum of 30 days you have not lost anything by trying it.
How much to drink?
A typical dose of My Miracle Tea consists of 1 eight ounce (237 milliliter) cup twice a day. Drink 8 oz. with breakfast and 8 oz. with dinner and you can also drink 4 oz with snacks. If you feel you need more, you can drink 4 – 8 oz. with lunch.
It’s detoxification benefits are largely through the colon cleansing effect. Due to this effect, expect to have two to three bowel movements a day while drinking the tea.
I’m on my third week drinking the tea, and I only had one bowl movement!!!!
That’s awful Tracy. I can’t really comment too much without knowing about your diet and normal bowel habits. Maybe something in the tea is affecting you. I remember having to take some castor oil once when I was having some Ayurvedic treatment and my bowels seized up. The therapist said she’d never known any one to have that reaction to castor oil. I hope you have got it sorte out by now.