This can be used in conjunction with the skin brushing to aid elimination of toxins from the skin while you are using an effective detox diet. One of the detox reactions you may get is that your skin may break out in spots or rashes. Just what you want! You may also get some irritation, itching, ...
Read MoreDetox
Skin Detox – Skin Brushing
When you are following any sort of detoxification program it helps to brush the skin to improve the blood and lymph circulation. It removes dead skin cells, and helps with the excretion of toxins. Skin Detox by dry skin brushing is an old natural healing method that will help the other organs as ...
Read MoreSkin Detox
I have just talked about kidney cleanse so its logical to think about skin detox next as the skin is often referred to as the third kidney. Believe it or not the skin is one of the organs of detox. We don't tend to think of the skin as an organ but it is considered to be the largest organ of the ...
Read MoreThe Lemon Detox Diet
The Lemon Detox Diet is an entirely liquid diet made from natural ingredients that has been used for years by naturopaths to help people detoxify the body. Interest in it has been renewed with media reports of several singers and movie stars using it to lose weight. Beyonce is reported to have eaten ...
Read MoreDetox Chemicals for Weight Loss
Or should I call this "Are Chemicals Making You Fat? " A new study that is being reported in the media is apparently the first to link chemical pollutants with obesity in humans. They report that previous studies have been on animal and show that environmental chemicals found in plastics and ...
Read MoreThe Liver/ Gallbladder Flush
This liver flush is aimed at getting the gallbladder to contract to empty the stored bile, sludge or gravel and "stones" that can form in it. It can also help cleanse the liver ducts of the "stones" that form there. Many people have cleared numerous small pellets or balls of cholesterol/bile from ...
Read MoreDo you need to detox?
Detoxing your body is a good way to to find out how good you can feel. Do you wake up naturally in the morning after a good sound sleep? Do you feel fully refreshed and full of energy? Do you feel hungry and ready to eat? Do you have regular and normal bowel movement after meals? Do you look ...
Read MoreColon Detox
Modern medicine finds the concept of bowel toxicity and colon detox quite foreign yet at the beginning of the 20th century the subject was discussed at length by 57 British doctors at the Royal Society of Medicine in London. where a 380 page report is still on file. Colon detox or detoxification ...
Read MoreWhen is the best time to detox?
You can detox whenever you feel the need. If you are feeling congested from too much heavy or rich food or just a bit out of sorts and sluggish then it’s time to give your digestive system a rest. Digestive problems, muscle aches and pains, skin problems, general fatigue problems can all respond ...
Read MoreDoes Detox Really Work?
At the beginning of the year when many people start thinking of going on a detox the newspapers were full of articles claiming that British Researchers have found that detox diets are a waste of time and do not get rid of toxins. The researchers tested their subjects after completing only 7 days ...
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