I first came across the cabbage soup detox diet in the 1980’s. It was popular for rapid weight loss although many nutritionists and doctors warned against it as being low in nutrients. In their view it was a fad crash diet that only resulted in water loss and not fat.
Celebrity detox
A number of celebrities have claimed that they use the cabbage soup detox diet to look their best before a star studded event. It has even been rumored that Former United States President Bill Clinton used the cabbage soup cleanse to shed some weight before his daughter’s wedding. It’s well known that he turned to a vegan diet to reverse heart disease so it may well be that he drinks cabbage soup as part of the plan.
The original cabbage soup diet lasted for 7 days and stipulated that you could eat as much as you liked as long as you ate only from the small list of foods such as bananas, skimmed milk, beef and tomatoes on specific days plus 2 bowls of cabbage soup daily.
The recipe for the cabbage soup and the diet plan varies with many different versions of it. Basically it included cabbage and assorted low-calorie vegetables such as onions and tomatoes. It was flavored with dried onion soup mix, bouillon cubes and tomato or V8 juice. Not exactly a great recipe for a detox!
New healthy Cabbage Soup Detox Diet Plan
The cabbage soup detox diet plan has evolved from the original as a better and healthier way to cleanse the body as well as releasing a few pounds. The soup is made from fresh healthy ingredients and you fill up on fresh fruit and vegetables that are low in calories but full of nutrients.
How does cabbage soup detox?
Cabbage is a member of the brassica family of vegetables which contain naturally occurring chemical substances that stimulate both Phase 1 & Phase 2 detoxification enzymes in the gut and liver.
The healthy cabbage soup also contains onions and garlic which are good sources of sulfur that helps detox toxic heavy metals. Sulfur containing foods help to ensure that the sulfation detox pathway in the liver is working well. Sulfation is the way the liver detoxes some drugs, food additives, toxins from intestinal bacteria, environmental toxins and some natural body chemicals.
3 Day Cabbage Soup Detox Diet Plan
Basically you make a huge pot of soup using one of the recipes below or your favorite recipe and eat only the soup, fresh fruit and raw vegetables for 3 days.
As with all detox diets it is best to gradually cut down on tea, coffee, sugar, processed foods and red meat a week or two before you start the detox plan. Smoking and drinking alcohol is banned too.
The soup and fresh fruit and vegetables contain a lot of water but it’s a good idea to drink some pure water as well during the detox. You can drink herbal or green tea if you like.
Don’t forget to get some exercise like brisk walking or rebounding on a mini-trampoline every day.
Cabbage Soup Detox Diet recipes: 
Cabbage Soup
1 large cabbage
3 large onions
2 large cloves garlic
1 bunch of celery
1 large green peppers
2 leeks
1 large heads of fennel
1 green chilies
3 inch piece of fresh ginger root grated or finely chopped
6 – 9 large tomatoes or 1 x 14 oz can organic tomatoes
2 tablespoons tomato paste
2 stems lemon grass finely chopped ( optional)
lemon juice & pepper to taste
Chop vegetables into chunks.
Place in a large pan and add lemon grass and tomato puree.
Cover with pure water ( not tap water). Bring to the boil and cook on high heat for 10 minutes then simmer for about an hour and all vegetables are tender.
Add lemon juice and pepper to taste
Allow to cool and refrigerate.
remove individual portions and reheat as needed.
Cabbage & Beet Soup
1 head cabbage, thinly sliced
1 large sweet onion, sliced or chopped
1 large leek sliced
2-3 large carrots, chopped
2 beets (beetroot) grated
6 cups water or veg broth
1 tsp dried oregano
6 tomatoes chopped
Fresh parsley to garnish
Put all ingredients into large pan except parsley.
Bring to boil, lower heat, simmer until cabbage and carrots are tender adding more stock or water if necessary.
Add a little sea salt, pepper and lemon juice to taste.
Ladle out your portion and garnish with chopped fresh parsley.
When you finish the 3 day Cabbage Soup Detox Diet you should introduce other healthy food gradually. Introduce some cooked vegetables and brown rice then some light proteins such as chicken or fish. It’s a great way to kick start your healthy eating plan.
Get more easy recipes for detox & cleansing in my Recharge and Energize Detox Plan.
I’m not a big fan of the Cabbage Soup Detox Diet. More restrictive diets are much harder to stick with and likely lack the vital nutrients your body needs. I think juicing as part of a raw food cleanse which can include soups makes the most sense to me. If I am doing a longer detox I will also integrate some conservatively cooked food.
I totally agree with what you say but some detox plans appeal to some people more than others.
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Haven’t tried this cabbage detox diet plan. Its my first time to know about this and I’m very happy coz we happen to have some cabbage in the fridge. I think that detoxification can be good after we celebrate the New Year.
It’s usually in the New Year after overindulgence during the holiday season that people decide they will follow a detox diet plan.
i went on this diet in high school for two weeks and lost seventeen pounds… i dont have a scale this time… but im on day 3 and i definately feel a bit different… same funny feelin in my stomach as last time but i know that it will be worth it in the end… reading about the girl that lost 80 pounds in four weeks made me a lot more motivated…
They key is to stay on a healthy diet afterwards so you don’t put the weight back on. Good luck with the rest of the detox. How many days do you intend to do?
Hmmmm, I haven’t tried the soup yet but I have been juicing some cabbage lately. I’m on day 14 of a 30 day juice cleanse. The soup might be great for when I’m coming off the cleanse slowly. A nice bowl of soup sounds good right about now. Thanks for the info.
I am on day 1 of the detox but I’m wondering since avocado is considered a fruit if it’s allowed on the diet
So sorry for the late reply but your comment ended up in my spam. The instructions for the 3 day cabbage soup diet say you can include fresh fruit so avocado should be fine. Hope the detox went well.
Good health,