Eating a healthy balanced diet, taking regular exercise, reducing stress and taking selected nutritional supplements are believed to be some of the best ways to stay healthy. One of the wellness products that some people rave about for boosting their health is food grade diatomaceous earth (or DE).
Diatomaceous earth is an all-natural product made from tiny fossilized water plants. Oceans and lakes are rich in diatoms, the microscopic plants diatomaceous earth is made of. After being removed from the vast ocean floor it is cleaned and ground into a fine powder which can can be used for many purposes.
This mineral-based compound contains silicon, magnesium, calcium, sodium, iron and other trace minerals that the body needs to stay healthy. These minerals can help to improve bodily functions and provide better over-all health.
DE is said to help with weight control and boosting energy levels by cleaning out toxic waste, chemical toxins, heavy metals and excess mucous build up from the gut.
It has strong negative charge which attracts positively charged ions like viruses, harmful bacteria, parasites, heavy metals, pesticides, toxic and chemicals detoxing your body of them.
So you see diatomaceous earth has the ability to function both as a digestive aid and as a colon cleanser. When food grade diatomaceous earth is taken in adequate daily amounts, it can eliminate most intestinal worms and parasites. This helps to promote proper absorption of nutrients derived from food, which improves existing indigestion problems while producing regular bowel movements.
Related reading: Easy 4 Week Digestive System Cleanse
Although the research was done on animals food grade diatomaceous earth has been reported in scientific literature to absorb mercury, e-coli, endotoxins, viruses (including polio virus), pesticide residues, drug residues, and perhaps even the toxins produced by some intestinal infections. In other words it can help to detoxify toxins found in the body.
Small amounts are said to be absorbed across the gut wall into the blood stream where it can lower bad cholesterol while raising the good cholesterol. It also regulates blood pressure. Hypertension, predominantly present in old age, can be minimized if food grade diatomaceous earth is taken regularly.
Due to the normal wear and tear or lack of calcium absorption in the bones, people experience bone diseases, but with the help of diatomaceous earth, it can reduce sore joints and prevent other symptoms associated with osteoporosis.
How to take DE.
The usual dose is a half teaspoon in a glass of filtered water twice a day for a week initially then slowly increasing to one teaspoon twice a
day. Take it first thing in the morning and last thing at night. You can take it in capsules if you prefer them to the powder.
It can have a constipating effect so remember to drink plenty of filtered water with it and during the day. If you use the powder take care not to inhale any of the dust as it can be irritating to the lungs.
DE should be taken for at least a month for the best detoxing effect but no more than three months.
Benefits for skin and hair
Aside from these primary health benefits, diatomaceous earth may even replace some of the basic hair products and skin creams. Due to it’s negative charge it can get deep into the pores helping to remove microscopic deposits of dirt, oils, and dead skin cells.
It gives skin a youthful glow, revitalizes hair, stimulates its growth, and restores the shine. It is known to be safe for ingestion by pregnant or lactating women as there have never been any reported cases of withdrawal or side effects.
As food grade diatomaceous earth works its way through the body, it will start to clean out your insides, enabling you to enjoy a healthier lifestyle.
Note: You might want to take a look at this extensive report on both food grade and non food grade DE for more information. If pest control is your main concern then read this up to date report for all you need to know.
I have been Taking DE for 3 days now and so far I have notice more energy!! I am also 12 weeks pregnant I only take about 1/2 tbs I will only be taking that for about a week and move up to 1 for the rest of my pregnancy! My aunt has been taking it and she has said that it def. cleans you out! So I am kinda waiting for that seeing how I am pregnant. My mom and my sister also take it but not sure how there feeling!
I like very much this article, but i found
someting more interesting here
what is diatomaceous
Just started researching this stuff – I love it
We have been taking DE since end of April – LOVE it, great colon cleanser helps keep you regular, clearer skin, stronger longer nails. My husband plays guitar and he has to trim his nails more often, shave more often, hair is not as grey, has hair growth in areas that were receeding. I have noticed no back pain, more energy, we both smoke and the morning smokers cough is not there,we have not had to take allergy medicine or antacid’s, no longer have belly bloat after eating. I brush my teeth with it and wash my face with it. We take generous size tablespoon 2x a day. Works well mixed into pet food as well, bugs no longer fly around our stray cat. Great Stuff!
Hi Paul & Sheri. Good to hear the great results you are having with DE. Thanks for taking the time to comment.
Hope you will try to give up the smoking next!. I posted a review of the Lung Detoxification Guide here:
im a witness to this de it show do work!i even gaave it to my neighbor his blood pressure has gone down
Hi there!
I’ve been taking DE for about three weeks and have worked my way up to 1T per day. What should I top out at as a per day dose?…Should I split up the dose to twice a day?…How much should I give my 20 lb dog and my 10 lb cats?
Hi Sammie, You can take 1 – 2 heaping tablespoons a day and you can take a dose morning and evening if you like.
I have no experience treating animals but there is plenty of information about doses for dogs and cats if you do a search.
Hope the DE is helping you. You might like to read about Amazing Green Clay too.
I am curious hown this natural substance would detoxify an opiate addict
Hi Kelly, I did not write that particular article. Diatomaceous Earth is really used to pick up and detoxify toxins in the gut. It can detox drug residues in the gut but I would not use it to detox an opiate drug addict. This is a very specialized type of detox and should be medically supervised.
Hi Cesar. I am not sure if you are asking me if it’s safe for your wife to take it? Without knowing when your wife had the operation and for what I could not advise you on that. I do not know anything about giving it to dogs but it would be perfectly safe for you and your brother to take it and to use it to control bedbugs.
Good Health
Hi i was wondering if anyone here has taken DE with ceratin stomach issues they can’t seem to get rid of. I have had stomach issues for a few years now and i have been to doctors taking several tests but everything comes back normal. I have had my stools checked, a colonscopy done but they have no idea whats wrong with me. I also have anemia. I was thinking i might have micro parasites cause i heard if you have those doctors wont know and your stools will come back negative. I would appreciate if anybody has any insight on this. thank you
Hi Veronica,
I wonder which test you have had done and what sort of issues you have. More detail would help us to make suggestions.
Have you been checked for Helicobacter Pylori? The standard tests cannot alway diagnose it. The best test is a stool antigen test. It can be missed on a biopsy. What about gut fermentation? Yeast or bacterial fermentation could cause gut problems. A breath test for both hydrogen and methane is needed for this.
It could or course be parasites but recent research has shown that they are not as common as we once thought. You are right, a negative stool test does not rule them out. It depends on where the stool test was done. Places like Genova Diagnostics:, Metametrix: and BioHealth Diagnostics have very special techniques for diagnosis of intestinal parasites.
Hope you find a solution soon.
Yes! Diatomaceous earth literally changed my life after 3 months of taking it. I became intolerant to most food. I had horrific lower abdominal aches and pains for the last 3 years. I was the most fatigued and depressed that i had ever been. I was diagnosed with severe Endometriosis after undergoing a diagnostic surgery. After the surgery I was even given a form of testicular chemotherapy that was said to improve the Endometriosis symptoms. But I knew that couldn’t be right.. and if it was true that I had this disease.. why? I was slowly losing hope in western medicine. I began to learn that anytime there is a symptom or an issue, there is ALWAYS a cause. I saw specialist after specialist. Then one day during massage school, my instructor mentioned DE and so I began doing my research. I decided 2 years later to try it. Within 2 in a half weeks of combining DE with a small amount of activated charcoal and enemas (only when I got constipated) I began passing roundworms and tapeworms in my stool. So far I’ve passed more than 25 intestinal worms. Since ALL of my symptoms have disappeared. But don’t be fooled by western medicine. I too, had tests, scopes, surgeries and no one found my issues. With as many as I had, someone should have seen something.. I’m still healing from the damage the parasites and harsh medicine i was given but overall, my life is mine again! 9 times out of 10 there IS a parasite involved. 90 percent of people will experience a parasite infection at some point in their lives.
I just wanna asked if DE can be applied on all kinds of illness as it claims to be a great diversifier of toxins? Since it is based on research that it’s the toxins who made us sick and if we get rid of it then we can much appreciate life and being healthy. I just really need to confirm it for I was really kinda skeptical on it.
Queenie, I did not write the article myself. It was a guest post. DE is primarily a detoxifier of the bowel. Once the bowel is cleansed of toxins it can function better. The body functions better too. It is not a magic cure for all illnesses but many are considered to start with a toxic bowel. There are many colon cleansing products on the market and some work better for some people than others.
Good health
I was so impressed when I discovered Diatomaceous Earth and the many benefits of it that I started a new company to package and sell the product. Our Food Grade quality is mined from some of the purest Diatomaceous Earth deposits in the world and is safe for people, pets and the environment.
safeDE was founded in 2010 and you can find us online at
I suggest to people to research Diatomaceous Earth on the internet and learn about the many applications, benefits and uses and then visit our website to purchase your product.
Thank you for making us aware of this Bruce. It’s good to know of pure and safe products.
My issues before taking DE:
Acid reflux
high blood pressure
Weight gain
No energy
I am a 40 year old female and I’ve only been taking diatomaceous earth for 2 days. In addition, I take a multi vitamin, fish oil, CoQ10, I’ve heard so many good things about it, I’m hoping to rid myself of these issues. Any advice for me Sandy?
Hi Camysia.
Cleansing the bowel with DE can help a lot of things given time but everyone is different. Combining it with a good diet will help. Proper food combining can help acid reflux and bloating. Make sure you chew your food well.
Juicing can lower blood pressure in time too. An imbalance in your hormones can cause acne at your age. Detoxing environmental estrogens can help with that. see my article:
How to Detox Environmental Estrogen to prevent Estrogen Dominance
and How A Liver Detox Diet Can Restore Your Health
Hope this helps and let me know how you get on with the DE.
Good health
Hi Camysia.
Cleansing the bowel with DE can help a lot of things given time but everyone is different. Combining it with a good diet will help. Proper food combining can help acid reflux and bloating. Make sure you chew your food well.
Juicing can lower blood pressure in time too. An imbalance in your hormones can cause acne at your age. Detoxing environmental estrogens can help with that. see my article:
How to Detox Environmental Estrogen to prevent Estrogen Dominance
Also detoxing your liver could help: Improving Liver Detox may save your life
Hope this helps. Let me know how you get on with the DE.
Good health
As a breast cancer survivor I am concerned about any connection between Diatomaceous earth and estrogen. Will this be safe for me to use? I read the article, but need to know definately. Thanks
Hi Bonnie, you are very right to be concerned about what you take. DE is absolutely safe for you to use as it can help to detox estrogen. It’s important that when your own estrogen or environmental estrogen is broken down by your liver and detoxed through the bile that it does not stay in the system long enough to be recycled. DE can help prevent this. Hope that helps allay any fears you might have.
Stay healthy.
I don’t know much about consuming DE, but I do know its used as a water filter substance for taking out toxins, parasites, and other nasty things in the water. I can only assume that it would be good for the body as well. Cleaning out those same things. My only concern is if it cleans out the good bacteria’s in out body or in some way weakens certain parts of our immune system. Good article I like the idea of Food-grade DE and I have been seeing it more and more, just be careful with what your consume.
Hi Bob,
If DE takes out parasites and toxins it will help to improve the gut environment to enable the good bacteria to survive and consequently the immune system as much of its function is dependant on the gut flora. It will probably sweep some good bacteria out as it is expelled but it does not kill good bacteria.
Good health
Would the diatomaceous earth help to rid the body of silicone toxicity? I know a lady who had silicone breast implants and is now in excruciating pain all over her body because the implants leaked. Would the DE help her? She is planning surgery soon to remove the implants.
Hi Deborah,
Many experts say that silicone and it’s breakdown products are hard to get rid of from the body. When I researched this for a subscriber’s question I found a chiropractor who said he was getting some good results with a Standard Process Detox. You can watch his video here:
I am sure that a good general detox would help but it would be best if the lady was supervised by a practitioner who is experienced in detox. I have never heard of DE being used for this. It works mainly in the bowel and the toxins from breast implants are usually deposited in the body tissues.
Many women find their symptoms subside by 50% once the implants are removed. Many have auto-immune problems which should be treated. Hope whe gets some relief.
My husband and I have used the Standard Process detox several times. The products are high quality and the results are very good.
Hi Susan,
Yes, I knew some practitioners who used Standard Process products but for some reason they were not popular with nutritionists. Not in the UK anyway.
Good to hear that the detox product produced good results.
Good health,
Hi Deborah,
sorry for the delay in responding to your question. For some reason your comment went into spam and I have only just seen it.
Some say silicone and its breakdown products cannot be detoxed but others think there must be a way. I don’t know of any particular detox program or if DE will help but it’s worth a try and won’t do any harm.
I found this site where the Chiropractic doctor seems to have had experience with it.
She would do best to go to a health practitioner who is experienced in detox to help her with a personalized program.
I have also heard that Dr Lee Cowden has developed an extensive program for detox after breast implants.
Hope that helps.
If DE was able to detox silicone from breast implants then it might deteriorate them while they in the body and that would not be a good thing.
I don’t think that DE would do that Betty. There is a lot of information about silicone breast implants coming out now and they are not thought to be a good thing.
Betty, I thought I had already replied to this but for some reason it’s coming up as a new comment so many apologies for keeping you waiting. Firstly, very little is absorbed into the body. It mainly stays in the digestive tract. Secondly, if any is absorbed I don’t think that it could detox silicone that is in the breast implants, only any that had already leaked out. Does that help to clarify things?
Good health,
Hi Sandy,
I was wondering about the delivery of DE into the body. I have been mixing one table spoon with honey per day. What other ways do you suggest? Ive tried putting it in juice and water but its pretty gross.
Also I read somewhere that it cant get wet or else it loses some of its anit-bacterial properties? Is this true? It doesnt sound right to me because it get wet in the gut so…
Thanks in advance for your reply.
Hi Dan,
People differ in the ways they take it as well as the amount. Some like to mix it with water or juice or put it in their smoothies or protein drink. Some even take in their coffee! You can mix it into food too.
When they say don’t get it wet I think they must be talking about in storage before you mix it to take it.
Good health
Can you put the DE powder in a clear vegetable capsules? Instead of mixing it in water etc??
Hi Pamela,
I don’t see why not but would you get enough in the capsules? You may end up taking a lot of them!
Good health,
My elderly mother gets frequent UTI’s. She has been hospitalized a few times and I was told she has a kidney stone. Has anyone had any experience with DE curing bladder infections, UTI’s or kidney stones? Any help would be MUCH APPRECIATED!!!
Hi Dana,
I have never heard of DE being used for kidney stones. It is not the first thing that springs to mind for the problem’s your mother has. If the stones are oxalate she should avoid foods high in oxalates such as Spinach, Rhubarb, Chocolate, Parsley, Beetroot, Strawberries, Wheat flour, Pepper & Nuts
Bladder infections can usually be helped with D-Mannose. Uva Ursi is a good herb that mah also help. Best to see a herbalist or naturopathic doctor if you want to go the natural route.
All the best.
I used to have frequent UTI infections. I have not had even one since I started taking extra strength cranberry soft gels. They also come in tablet form, but soft gels or capsules would be better for your Mom since she is older. Hope this helps!
Will DE help with an H Pylori infection?
I’ve not come across any evidence that it can. Matula Herbal Formula is one of the best natural cures and it’s been clinically tested. Alternatively, some people have eradicated it with mastic gum.
Good health,
It took 4 months of mastic gum but our entire family got rid of h pylori with the mastic gum. We take it periodically now as a preventative.
Great to hear that Leah. Often natural remedies do take time to work and H.pylori can be very stubborn but natural substances do not have the side effect that antibiotics do so it’s well worth it.
Good health
Hi Sandy,
My sister takes diatomaceous earth and is encouraging me to take it which I am keen to give it a go. However I have had a hernia op a couple of years ago whereby they inserted mesh to cover the hernia and a homeopath has told me that I can never take silica because it will expel the mesh from my body. Do you have any feedback or experience with this? I would like to take it but don’t want to cause any harm.
Thank you
Hello Korina,
I’ve never heard of this before. Was your homeopath talking about homeopathic silica perhaps? That would work on the whole body. I can’t really see how DE would do this.
Hernia meshes are made of different materials. Some even dissolve after surgery. Do you know what kind your was? Perhaps you could make some more enquiries on health forums to see if anyone has come across this. Sorry I cannot be of more help.
Hi Sandy,
Thanks for your reply and I too wondered about it being a different type of homeopathic silica. My mesh is designed not to dissolve so it’s there for life apparently. I think it would be okay to take it but as you suggested I’ll do a little more research on other forums first.
Thanks again for your quick reply
I just started taking DE a few days ago. I started with 1/2 tsp for 2-3 days and then 1tsp yesterday. Two days into taking DE I started to notice slight pain during urination. I woke up this morning and my bladder felt cramped and painful. After urinating, however, the feeling and pain did not go away. Any thoughts on this? I’d love to keep taking the DE but I’m concerned I might be stressing my kidneys out too much. I have a very sensitive body – hence starting with such a low dose. Perhaps I need to just keep on with the DE but in conjunction with a UTI herb or supplement?
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!!
Hi Sarah,
Sorry for the delay in responding. I am away from home at the moment and have only just seen your comment. Sorry to hear you are having these problems. It may be that you are actually getting low bowel discomfort especially as the pain did not go away after urinating. It can be difficult to determine exactly where discomfort is coming from. I don’t think it will be stressing your kidneys. You may have come to your own conclusion about it by now but keeping to a low dose is best if you are very sensitive. You may need to take it alternate days for a while. Hope you will get to the bottom of it very soon.
Good health,
I have been taking diatomaceous earth for 1 week. Since taking it i have an insatiable thirst, and I cannot eat enough food. Im so hungry all the time and never feel full. I have gained 2 kilos since taking it. Also, I have a bloated gut.
I started with 1 tbsp, but went down to 1 tsp taken at night.
Im taking it to see if it helps with my endometriosis pain, and I am also on the thyroid med cytomel.
Any thoughts? I seem to be experiencing the opposite of everyone else and cannot get any solid information for whats happening to me!
Hi Christiane, Sorry for the delay in replying. I left home to travel to Spain the day you left this message and I’m only checking comments now.
My first thought is that the diatomaceous earth is binding up your Cytomel so it’s not being absorbed. You have to take them at different times and well apart. Secondly, it can cause constipation unless you are drinking a lot of fluids and taking something to help push it through your gut. If this is happening then it could cause bloating. It may be that you are reacting to it and causing your symptoms. Give my suggestions a try first to see if that helps. If not then you will have to stop taking it.
Endometriosis may be caused in part by environmental estrogen. Have you done all you can to avoid them? You can read more about how to get rid of them in my post: How to Detox Environmental Estrogen to prevent Estrogen Dominance
To help with your pain in the short term you could look for some herbal combinations. Some can be very effective.
Hope this helps. Best wishes for a speedy solution very soon.
Hi Sandy! Thank you for your response. I actually had my first pain free period after taking de for only two weeks!
I never take my meds and DE at the same time. I take 30 ug of cytomel upon waking up, and a half tsp of de at night before bed. I am still gaining weight. I went from 61.2kg to 64.8 in just three weeks!
Hi is DE safe to take with Breast Implants? Will it break down silicone? I was taking it for a week and was happy with results, I’m just nervous about it effecting them.
Thanks Dee
Hi Dee, It should not break down silicone that is contained in the implants but it could help detox any silicone particles that leak from the implants which is a good thing.
Good health,
Hi Sandy, I write with amazement at all the things that DE can help with and as a newbie to DE I have only recently started, but after a couple of days I notice the skin on my thighs is smoother, so great start. However, I believe I have bad gut bacteria in the small and large intestine and I’m waiting to get it treated, but in the meantime I am hoping DE will help. I noticed you touched on this problem in an earlier inquiry and would like to hear if you know whether it would help/ cure this dreadful problem, as at the moment no food stays inside me for very long, and I’m worried I’m getting malnourished.
Hi Lin, Any gut problem like that can prevent you absorbing nutrients. I can’t really tell you whether is will help you or not as it depends on what your underlying problem is. If you have parasites then DE could help. If, on the other hand, you have SIBO for example then it may not.
I do hope that you get some effective treatment very soon.
In the meantime do you eat slowly and chew your food well. You have a better chance of getting your nutrients if the food is well digested Green juices or smoothies can help get nutrients into you if they do not cause you a problem.
All the best,