Obesity, Excess-Weight – A weighing issue for a multitude
World over, the population of obese and overweight people is burgeoning. According to the WHO, worldwide obesity has tripled in the last three decades, with 1.9 million adults counting as over-weight. If you belong to this multitude, just like many of your ilk, you might be often immersed in self- loathing and despair. But, you might just cease doing so reckoning that a diet can come to your aid. And, diets do work! Only that you ought to select the right one, understand it, and become passionate practitioner of it.
Diets you can depend on
There are countless resources to offer you information and tips on diets and dieting. Before you latch on to a diet, understand it well for the purpose of its implementation. A US Panel comprising nutritionists, food scientists and food psychologists recently drew a list of 40 best diets. It is a reliable resource as it has come out after a rigorous study of an array of diets across the world. Ketogenic, Dash and Mediterranean diets top this list.
Ketogenic Diet
Ketogenic diet was created in the 1920s to curb fits of epileptic patients. However, today, it prevails as a rave among those desiring to shed weight. Celebrities like Mick Jagger and Megan Fox vow of its benefits. Ketogenic diet, a go-radical programme, puts you on a high amount of ‘good fats’. This diet includes lots of nuts, natural butter and cream, along with protein rich items such as salmon and avocado, and limited veggies to the exclusion of white bread, grains and sugar. Your hunger pangs are significantly reduced because of the healthy fats intake.
The Dash diet depends on plant-based intakes to deliver dieters tremendously impressive results. It fills your plate with varying amounts of green vegetables and fruits, low fat or non-fat dairy, fish, lean meat and whole grains. Being low on fats, rich in proteins and vitamins, and moderate on carbohydrates, the DASH diet fulfils your nutritional needs in minimum calories. The diet also strictly recommends small servings. Michael Pollan, a believer in DASH diet expounds, “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants”
Mediterranean Diet
The Mediterranean diet is replete with fruits, vegetables, olive oil, fish, whole grains, legumes, eggs, and yogurt and cheese in moderation. The diet has no saturated fat, while its monounsaturated fats found in olive oil and nuts, ensures that your calories intake is healthy as well as kept to a minimum. The Mediterranean diet is extremely nutritive and delicious, so and you can indulge in it, along with the recommended moderate quantity of red wine, without guilt or fear of adding weight. Religiously following this diet over an extended period successfully cuts your flab.
Useful Tips for all Dieters
Irrespective of the diet you select for yourself, you should follow certain food rules that would mind your weight and keep you healthy. According to Aaron E. Carroll, a professor of pediatrics at Indiana University School of Medicine, the following tips should be kept in mind.
- Avoid unprocessed food as much as possible
- Maximise your intake of home-cooked food so as to have better control over the choice of ingredients and flavouring.
- Go sparse on salt, butter and oil in your food preparations
- Increase your water consumption, while cutting down on coffee and aerated drinks. Drink alcohol in moderation
- Eat more with people, especially with ones who care for you. This will make you happier and ensure that you spend more time in your kitchen with cooking.
Remember, Dieting isn’t a punishment!
Dieting is neither about starving yourself nor depriving your taste buds of delicious meals. All that it requires of you is bring out substitutes that are fat-free, nutritive and tasty.
So, just dive into your imaginations. Based on the rules of your chosen diet, select or make meals that could excite you. This way you’ll remain consistent, eventually, ushering in weight loss for good. Your despair will disappear as you fly into cloud 9 of elation!
Author Bio – Mitravinda is a Nutritionist at DietChart with a doctoral degree in Food Science and Nutrition. She’s an expert in writing blogs on various nutrition-related topics such as high protein vegetarian foods, diet chart for weight loss, and diet chart for weight loss in 7 days, etc. Through her blogs, she wishes to help people gain a deeper understanding about the relationship between food, nutrition, lifestyle and health.
Dash Diet photo by Josh Bean on Unsplash
Mediterranean Diet Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash
I have tried the Ketogenic Diet before with great initial success.
However I found that this diet was not sustainable and when I came off it the wieght came right back like it was mad at me.
Even though I am not currently “dieting”, I am following some of your tips for all dieters. Specifically, avoiding processed fooods as much as possible and going sparse on salt butter and oils.
It is amazing what results these 2 tips alone can produce.
Hello Jeff,
It depends on the diet you go back onto when you come off the Ketogenic diet. I know people who manage to keep the weight off they lost with a Ketogenic diet by following a Paleo type diet with slightly higher amount of healthy carbs. Some find intermittent fasting works for them while others eat more healthy carbs for a while and then switch back to the lower carb keto for a few weeks. Certainly people have to find what works for them. There is not diet that is right for every one. Avoiding processed food will certainly be healthier for you. There’s no doubt about that.
Wishing you good health and a solution to your weight problem.
very interesting blog. I personally find ketogenic diet very useful and enjoyable, I could eat as much as cheese and butter and lot of fish and chicken and at the same time lose weight. Dash diet is something new I have come across. I have found people using this and getting good results in losing their weight.