Christmas is typically one of the most stressful events of the year but our everyday lives seem to have become increasingly more stressful. We all seem to have been affected in some way by the economic crisis and with the media constantly thrusting doom and gloom down our throats it's hard to stay ...
Read MoreHealthy Eating Tips for the Holiday Season
Will eating and drinking over this Holiday Season ruin your waistline? From what I hear even these hard economic times are not stopping the office parties or meals out although more people seem to be entertaining at home than eating out. Whether it's the office party, meals out or home dinner ...
Read MoreDangers of Energy Drinks
In these stressful times you might feel that your energy needs a boost and be tempted to try one of the energy drinks that seem to be taking over the soft drinks shelves in the supermarkets. In spite of hard times globally sales of caffeine energy drinks have apparently overtaken bottled water ...
Read MoreLymph Detox – Do you need one?
A lymph detox or cleanse is probably one of the best things you can do for your body second only to a bowel cleanse. The hidden power of the lymph system is widely overlooked and neglected. If you suffer from frequent infections, have sinusitis, prostatitis, adult allergies, swollen nodes, are ...
Read MoreSkin Detox – Vinegar, Salt & Soda & Hydrogen Peroxide Baths
A skin detox can help if your skin breaks out in spots or if you get some irritation during a detox program. Skin is one of the major routes of detoxification. Taking one of these skin detox baths can help draw out more toxins from just below the surface. A warm bath is an ideal way to relax as ...
Read MoreSkin Detox – Skin Rub
This can be used in conjunction with the skin brushing to aid elimination of toxins from the skin while you are using an effective detox diet. One of the detox reactions you may get is that your skin may break out in spots or rashes. Just what you want! You may also get some irritation, itching, ...
Read MoreSkin Detox – Skin Brushing
When you are following any sort of detoxification program it helps to brush the skin to improve the blood and lymph circulation. It removes dead skin cells, and helps with the excretion of toxins. Skin Detox by dry skin brushing is an old natural healing method that will help the other organs as ...
Read MoreSkin Detox
I have just talked about kidney cleanse so its logical to think about skin detox next as the skin is often referred to as the third kidney. Believe it or not the skin is one of the organs of detox. We don't tend to think of the skin as an organ but it is considered to be the largest organ of the ...
Read MoreKidney Cleanse & Detox
Your kidneys are a very important part of your cleansing and detox system along with the liver, bowel, skin, lymph and lungs. Some toxins that have been processed by your liver to make them water soluble are eliminated from your body by your kidneys via the urine. They help to prevent toxins ...
Read MoreRaw Food Diet Detox
A raw food diet detox is based on eating 100% or very high amounts of uncooked plant food that encourages the removal of toxins from your body that make you sick. You can experience cell renewal, rejuvenation, increased energy, weight loss, better skin, better sleep, improved joint and muscle ...
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