With all the rushing about in preparation for Christmas wouldn't it be wonderful to lie down and have a wonderful, relaxing and therapeutic body massage? You might regard this as a luxury but the word therapeutic means something that is good for you and good for your health. The history of massage ...
Read MoreUnusual Detox Methods That Work
There’s no doubt that mankind is advancing by leaps and bounds; we’re progressing in every field there is, and although it has made our lives easier and more convenient, not all of it is good. Along with advancement and progress, we have also inherited sickness and disease because our lifestyles ...
Read MoreHow to Reduce Toxic Stress Chemicals that Overload Your Liver Detox and Make You Sick
Let's face it daily life is stressful enough but when it comes to this time of the year it just gets plain crazy. Planning festive meals, endless trips to the supermarket, shopping for presents, parties, finishing off work projects, the list is endless. Stress levels just soar as December creeps up ...
Read MoreSay NO to Toxic Trans Fats if you want to Detox
Are confused about good fats and bad fats? Did you know that some fats make you fat and others can make you slim? Some fats give you energy and others zap it. Some fats improve the way every cell in your body functions while others interfere with their vital functions. Two fats, Omega 3 and Omega ...
Read MoreHow to Beat the Party Season Weight Gain
At this time of the year if you are living somewhere where it is getting colder and Thanksgiving and Christmas are looming then you may be tempted to overeat, eat richer and more stodgy foods and eat in a rush or when feeling stressed by it all. If you don't want to ruin the effects of your ...
Read MoreAre Toxic Chemicals In Your Cosmetics Killing You?
A recent story about a lady called Zita caught my eye recently. When she discovered she had fibroids in her late twenties she began to do some research into the problem. She found a study done by some researchers from Reading University in the UK which linked some chemicals in everyday cosmetics to ...
Read MoreFlat Stomach Secrets Review
If you have tried everything under the sun to get rid of belly bulge but still can't see your toes then Flat Stomach Secrets is just the solution for you. My friend and colleague Linda Lazarides, a naturopathic nutritionist and author, struggled with a bulging belly for years even though she ate ...
Read MoreHow To Stick To Your Detox Diet
We all have good intentions when we start any sort of a diet but it can very hard to stay on a detox diet or stick to a healthy diet afterwards when there are all sorts of temptations in the way. It can be very hard if you get hungry and the rest of the family are eating all your favorite foods or ...
Read MoreWhy You Must Give Up Alcohol On A Detox Diet
Giving up alcohol is essential of you want to get the best from your detox diet. Your liver is your main organ for detox and it is the only organ that metabolizes alcohol and it takes precedence over other functions. So. if you want to detox you need to avoid anything that gives your liver extra ...
Read MoreFive Top Sources of Toxins And How To Avoid Them
I could hardly believe my eyes when I read a recent newspaper article where a British journalist claimed that toxins were invented relatively recently by the alternative health industry purely to sell detox products! She said that the whole business of detox diets was based on the spurious concept ...
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